Chapter 12

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The doctor made their way to Token's room. As the doctor entered the room Token's parents were hugging him. Token was crying.

Doctor: "Hey everyone. How are we feeling Token?"

Token: *crying "I'm-I'm okay. Please is Clyde okay?"

Doctor: "He's — he's in critical condition hun."

Token: "Please I need to see him!"

Token tried to get up but his mom held him down.

Linda Black (Token's mom): *crying "Honey I know you want to see your friend but we need to make sure you're okay first, okay?"

Token had tears flowing from his face but he nodded. His leg was wrapped to a board there wasn't anyway to really walk to Clyde's room anyways.

Doctor: "Token's leg is currently broken and he has a grade 1 concussion. Now that most of the other boys are out of surgery we can get Token in. We will reset the bone and fix any damage in it then cast it up. Be patient they will come to get him soon, alright?"

Token's parents nodded and hugged him more, but Token was too focused on Clyde. He had to be okay he just had to be. He has to tell Clyde how he feels as selfish as that sounds.

The doctor then made their way to Clyde's room. This was a more sad sight. Clyde had just got out of surgery and was now resting in his bed. The only person in the room was Clyde's dad. Tears slowly rolled down his face and he held on tight to Clyde's hand.

Doctor: *half whispering "Hello Mr. Donovan. How are you?"

Roger Donovan (Clyde's dad): *crying "I'm alright please tell me, how's my son?"

Doctor: "He has very severe internal injuries. They sewed up a laceration on his liver and now we are monitoring some internal bleeding on his spleen and stomach. They are hoping it will stop on its own. He took a lot of damage and we are not sure when he will wake up, but I believe he will be okay. Stay positive Mr. Donovan."

The doctor placed a hand on his shoulder and Roger nodded.

The doctor left him with his son and made their way to Stan's room.

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