Chapter 33

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Next day...

Kyle slept all through the night with him and Stan laying the same way. Kyle slowly wakes up to see Stan. He immediately goes into a mad blush, he still isn't used to Stan actually loving him and stuff like this. Funny enough they always did this kind of stuff when they were little. Maybe that is what started these feelings for Stan.

Kyle finally snapped out of his love trance and sweetly smiled at Stan. He started to pet his head and look out towards the big window. Outside he could see his family at the nurse's station, they were talking with the doctor and getting happy. Clearly they were told that their son was awake and healthy. Kyle didn't know how his family would feel about him and Stan, but with everything that has happened he didn't care. They couldn't take this from him no matter what he would fight for Stan, because he almost died and so did Stan. Screw acceptance. 

The Broflovskis entered the room excitedly. Ike got on the bed, avoiding Stan and leaning against Kyle's shoulder. Gerald stood next to Kyle, setting his hand on his head. Sheila rushed to his other side and went to tackle him but stopped in time to see Stan. She looked at the sight in discomfort.

Sheila: "Oh my Bubby! I'm so glad you're awake."

She grabbed Kyle's face and kissed it all over. Kyle let her but soon got annoyed and pushed her away.

Kyle: "Mom! I'm okay, I'm finally awake and I'm feeling better."

Gerald: "I'm glad to hear son. We were so worried."

Gerald looked down at the sleeping Stan and smiled. He didn't care about the clear relationship between his son and the Marsh boy, he wanted Kyle to be happy and he always had a feeling that Stan was the key to it. Sheila looked over at him and coughed to get his attention. He looked up to her and she looked clearly angry and annoyed with Stan. Gerald lifted an eyebrow in confusion. Do not make this a scene!

Ike: "I'm so happy you're awake Kyle, I missed you."

Kyle: "Sorry to worry you all. I hope it wasn't too hard on all of you."

Gerald: "Well, it wasn't the easiest. *uneasy laugh  Anyways, get some more rest son. We will all relax here with you okay?"

Kyle nods and they all get comfortable. Ike stays where he is, Gerald sits in a chair and Sheila sits on the couch in the room. Kyle closes his eyes and lets his body rest.

8 hours later...

The Broflovski family had been with Kyle all day and it was starting to get on Kyle's nerves. Stan slept the whole time and Ike talked with him. Gerald stayed quiet, reading a book occasionally and watching Kyle. The real problem was Sheila. She would complain about every little thing with Kyle's condition. Too many blankets, not enough pillows, too cold in the room, too hot in the room, needed ice chips, needed to sit up, to walk around and heal, pretty much anything that required Stan to leave. Kyle was getting fed up.

At the moment his mom was pacing the room on the side of him that his dad wasn't sitting on. Ike was showing Kyle a video trying to help and his dad just sat with a straight face reading the book. She kept pacing and angrily looking at Stan, pacing and staring, pacing and staring, pacing and staring, PACING AND STARING.


Sheila: "Wha-what, nothing Bubby, everything is fine."

Kyle: "You are such a liar! You just keep pacing and evil eyeing me! So what is it!"

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