Chapter 32

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2 days later...

Stan stood in front of Kyle's room, obviously, his eyes were struggling to stay open. He was tired, he was able to take a sitting break but he just wanted to sleep. For some reason his tiredness forced him to walk into Kyle's room. 

It was kind of a miracle that his family wasn't there. They had gone home to freshen up, they didn't want to leave but showers were needed. Stan hobbled over to the chair next to Kyle, he carefully lowered himself into the chair. It still hurt to make that transition.

Stan leaned his upper torso down onto Kyle's bed so that he was basically laying down on it. He turned his head to face Kyle and stared at him. He started to cry.

Stan: *whisper crying  "When will you wake up? Please wake up."

Stan squeezed his eyes shut tight with more tears being pushed out of his eyes. 

Stan: *whisper crying  "What will I do without you? Your the brains and the beauty of our *giggles  duo. -- I've spent all this time with the wrong person, you were meant for me and it took me so long to realize that and now *lip quiver  *hic  now you're leaving me? Please Kyle, I love you. I need you more than ever, I'm not okay, this isn't okay."

?: *low raspy voice  "I know but things will get better. You are so strong and so caring, you can do anything."

Stan stared wide eyed at where the voice just came from. Two beautiful green emerald eyes looked into Stan's umber brown ones. Stan lifted his head slowly, keeping eye contact the whole time.

Kyle: *low raspy voice  "Well, are you going to hug me?"

Stan's face started to crunch up in sadness as more tears built up and fell. He quickly jumped on Kyle and shoved his face into Kyle's chest while wrapping his arms around Kyle's waist. Kyle wrapped one arm around Stan's back and put his other hand on his head. Surprisingly, Stan was gentle with his sudden attack, he didn't disturb Kyle at all and it didn't hurt him.

Stan: *whisper crying  "*hic  Oh god Kyle, you're awake. You're actually awake. I wa-was so worried *hic  I thought -- I thought you were going to leave me. My best friend was going to leave me without saying goodbye. Please don't leave me."

Kyle: *whispers  "It's okay Stan, I'm okay. I won't leave you. -- Stan have you gotten any sleep, you look terrible. Are you okay?"

Stan looked up at Kyle with worried and tear-filled eyes.

Stan: *whisper crying  "Did you not hear me? I love you! I need you to be mine because I can't t-take this anymore *hic  Please Kyle, I love you so much it hurts! I can't live without you, please s-stay with me. Be with --"

Kyle: "STAN! I heard you, and I -- I have loved you forever. I've been so jealous of Wendy and any person you talk to. Of course I love you, I need you too. --"

Stan smiled at him in pain, the words he had been waiting for forever.

Kyle: "but, I also need you to live. You look terrible, I need you to be okay. Sleep for me."

Stan: *crying  "No, I'm not leaving you. I'm just going to lay here and listen to your heart."

Stan turned his head away from Kyle and closed his eyes, listening intently to Kyle's heartbeat. 

Kyle: "Then I won't be with you."

Stan looked back at Kyle with sadness and confusion.

Kyle: "Stan, I love you. I love you a lot but I have my reservation. Maybe my accident--"


Kyle: "Prove it. Sleep for me."

Stan: *long silence  *crying  "But Kyle *hic  I can't, I want to be here. What if I wake up and you're--"

Kyle: "I won't. I won't leave you. Please Stan *tears building  I just want to lay here with you. I want you to be okay and you're not. I'm the smart one *giggles  remember. So please, for me, let's take a nap."

Stan looked at Kyle intently. Kyle was beginning to cry, he was feeling so many things at once. Happiness, love, confusion, worry, and a bit anger. Why had Stan waited for him to almost die to tell him what he was feeling? It made him upset, but he was so happy Stan was okay and that he loved him too. 

Stan brought a hand from behind Kyle's back to his face. He wiped the tears from his eyes and smiled.

Stan: *whispering  "Okay, I'm sorry. I will do anything for you."

Kyle let more tears fall and hugged Stan tight, which hurt like hell. Stan yelped and Kyle quickly reeled back. He looked at Stan with concern and panic.

Kyle: "Oh god Stan, I'm so sorry what did I do are you okay?"

Stan: *through gritted teeth  "Yes *sucks through teeth  I hurt my back in the accident. And I -- haven't -- been -- taking care of -- myself."

Kyle: *crying  "Oh Stan!"

Kyle hugged him carefully and closed his eyes as tears slowly left. Stan hugged him back. They stayed like that for a bit before Kyle began petting Stan's head. Stan stared at his cane that was leaned against the wall. His eyes started to close slowly as the no sleep and hurt body started to catch up with him. 

Soon enough Stan had drifted to sleep. Kyle looked down at him and smiled. This was the best day of his life, his best friend was his. 

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