Chapter 11

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Before Kenny entered the room, he stopped off to the side and put Karen down.

Kenny: "Hey Karen. Will you do me a favor?"

Karen wiped the tears from her face and nodded.

Kenny: *whispering  "Tricia is probably really worried about her brother. I think you should be with her. Give her your support."

Karen: *slightly crying "But Kenny I want to stay with you. You need support too."

Kenny: "And you will always be here for me. I'm okay I want to see how Butters is, and I think Tricia is scared and alone."

Karen looks around in thought, finally landing on Kenny's face. He was filled with worry, fear, pain, and sadness. Karen could see that Kenny wanted her to be somewhere else so she didn't see him fall apart. Karen looked back in sadness and nodded. She leaned in and kissed him on the cheek and then ran off towards Craig's room

Kenny watched her go and that was when he couldn't hold back. The tears poured from his face and everything started to hurt. He carefully walked into Butters' room where his parents grabbed him as he dropped to the floor. His dad picked him up bridal style and held him there. It looked a little funny since Kenny was so tall and lanky. He was a little heavy but Stuart didn't care, his son needed this. He nodded at the doctor to begin. Kenny listening intently.

Doctor: "Okay, this is the situation. As you all know your kids were heading up north on Big Foot Road. A car was coming DOWN on the same road going 80 miles per hour."

Stephen (Buttters' dad): "Who was it!"

Butters' dad said through gritted teeth.

Doctor: *sigh "I'm sorry Mr. Stotch, I can't tell you that, if you need to know you have to talk to the police for that information. I understand your anger and worry but my focus is on your kids and no one else. The person who did this is NOT my concern."

Stephen let out a shaky breath and nodded. Linda held his arm and they held each other and looked back to the doctor.

Doctor: "Leopold —"

Kenny: *crying "Butters *hic He prefers Bu-butters."

The doctor nodded.

Doctor: "Butters, was thrashed around in the back, luckily his seat belt kept him locked in. He has a grade 2 concussion and huge contusion on his chest from the seat belt. He was in MRI to see if there was any serious damage, I was told he didn't and is on — oh there he is."

Nurses wheeled Butters in on a gurney and lifted him onto the bed. He was still unconscious but he was fine. Kenny tapped his father and was put down. Stuart helped Kenny over to Butters and sat him in a chair next to his bed. Butters' parents sat on the bed and held his hand.

Doctor: "He should wake up by morning. I need to go update other families."

Kenny: *crying "Can you update me when your finished?"

The doctor hesitated to answered but nodded anyways.

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