Chapter 36

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Laura runs into the room and tackles Craig with a careful hug. Tricia runs in right behind her and tackles him as well. The both are bawling their eyes out blubbering about missing him and so worried about him. Thomas walks quickly in and removes the two from Craig so he can breath.

Thomas: *choked up  "We -- are just so happy you're awake and alive."

Laura: *blubber crying  "My--my baaaaby boooyyy!"

Tricia:*crying  "Don't do that again jerk!"

Craig: *giggles  "Sorry, I worried you guys."

Several minutes went by with Craig trying to calm and reassure everyone that he was okay. Maybe okay. Finally the crying stopped and they were all more manageable to talk to. 

Craig: "Mom, is --- Clyde okay?"

He wanted to ask about Tweek but he was too scared to.

Laura: "Oh yes! I should call him so he can come see you and and -- OH! I'm gonna call the Tweak's so that Tweek can come see you, he hasn't left your side."

As she exited the room with her phone in her hand, she turned around and winked at Craig. He hid his face in a casual way so that they wouldn't see the blush that formed on his cheeks. His family stayed and talked with him for a while.

Hours later...

Craig's parents had gone with the doctor to discuss further stuff about Craig's condition. Tricia finally went home, as happy as she was that her older brother was alive and well she missed her bed and she missed Karen. 

School apparently just got out because a crying mess of a brunette ran into the room sliding past almost missing it. It was Clyde, he rushed over to him and tackled him in a hug a lot less careful than his mom.

Craig: "OW!"

Clyde quickly backs off still having his arms wrapped around Craig a lot less tight. 

Clyde: *crying  "I'm so sorry! I'm just --- *hic  so happy to see you! I was so worried IthoughtthatIwouldneverseeyouagainandthereissomuchtotellyouthatIloveyoubecauseyouarethebestbrotherI'veeverhadan---"

Craig: "Okay, okay, Clyde I get it! I'm okay Clyde."

Token turns the corner into the room on his crutches completely out of breath.

Token: *out of breath  "Jesus Clyde! *huff  Why did you have to run?"

Clyde: *sniffles  "Sorry love."

Clyde gets down from Craig's bed and helps Token into the chair next to him.

Craig: *giggles  "So it did a number on you too huh?"

Token: "Obviously, everyone got hurt pretty bad. Not as bad as you or Kyle but still pretty bad."

Craig: "Is -- is Tweek okay?"

Token: "He had a bad concussion but he's been fine. A hot mess since--- *oof"

Clyde elbows Token and gives him a glare. Token glared back while rubbing his arm but slowly realizing that it was a good thing Clyde stopped him before that happened.

Clyde: "He's okay. He is at Tweek Bros, he'll probably come see you later tonight."

As he finished his statement, Kyle's head peaked around the corner into Craig's room. Kyle smiled and entered the room followed by a limping Stan with a cane, a hyper Kenny, and a quiet Butters.

Kenny: "Aye! Look whose alive, welcome back to the world of the living."

Craig: *giggles  "Thanks."

Kyle: "We are really glad you're awake, they didn't think you were going to make it."

Craig: "So I've heard, explains the reaction I'm getting from everyone."

Kenny: "Hella worried."

Stan: "How uh -- nevermind."

Kenny: "HoW aRe yOU FeEliNG? There I said it."

Kyle, Butters, Stan, and Clyde giggle.

Craig: "Um, fine I guess? What's that all about?"

Token: "Kenny kind of -- lost it, due to that -- question."

Kenny: "It wasn't that big of a deal."

Everyone looked to him with the "bullshit" face.

Kenny: "Oh whatever! You stood in front of a window for several days, so I don't want to hear it."

Kenny said directing to Stan.

Stan: *giggles  "True."

The room burst into laughter, Craig sat there kind of confused. Soon the laughter died down and everyone's faces soon turned to grim. Nothing that happened to them was funny.

Craig: "Guys, it's okay. If we are all here then we can chalk the whole thing up to a path of life."

Kyle: "Yah, what he said. We're all fine, plus we should talk about prom! It is only six days away."

Kenny: "Holy shit, you're right! Hey Butters lets bounce we got stuff to do."

Butter: "Right, I'm glad you're okay now Craig."

Clyde: *wide eyed  "FUCK! Token we gotta go."

Clyde kissed Craig on the forehead, which Craig gave him a glare for and the four of them left the room.

Stan: "They're right, I'm gonna go start the car."

Stan waved to Craig and left the room, but Kyle did not follow. After they were all gone, Kyle went and sat down next to Craig.

Kyle: "I think they are all super scared still. I don't remember anything except the car flip, do you think --- do you think they are actually all okay?"

Craig: "I think they are some of the strongest people I know, which means they are the weakest people when it comes to personal tragedy so no. That being said, I think prom is what they need to feel better."

Kyle smiled at him and stood up. He nodded at Craig and left the room. Craig leaned back into the bed and looked up at the ceiling as his parents reentered the room. Why would Tweek choose to go to work instead of come here?

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