Chapter 8

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Kenny: "TWEEK!!"

Kenny began to run towards him but stopped once he saw EMTs already there for him. Kenny started tearing up again from the relief of help that has finally arrived.

More emergency service members started pouring down the hill. Firefighters with jaws and saws as well as EMTs with gurneys, their kits, and paddles. A pair of EMTs made their way over to Kenny who was now sitting on the ground.

EMT 1: "Hi hun, my name is Angelica. Where are we hurt."

Kenny: "I-I don't know, my shoulder I'm pretty sure it's dislocated. Please my friends they need help!"

EMT 2: "It's okay, it's okay. We will help them too but me and Angelica are going to help you, okay?"

Kenny: "O—okay."

The two EMTs worked on Kenny for a bit before loading him on the gurney and taking him up to the ambulances. Kenny felt scared to leave his friends and to leave Butters but he knew there was nothing he could do for them. He took in a shaky breath and let them load him into the ambulance.

Tweek was already on his way to the hospital and Kenny too. Emergency services quickly examined the SUV and started to get the kids out.

Two EMTs made their way into the vehicle where Kenny and Tweek were flung from. One climbed into the back with Kyle and Butters while the other one examined Stan.

EMT 3: "Hi sweetie my name is Abby, I'm here to get you out okay. Let me take a look at you."

Stan: *crying "No please just help Kyle! H-he needs help!"

Abby: "Is your friend the one in the back?"

Stan: "Yes please help him!"

Abby: "It's okay, my partner Lawrence is back there with him okay he's gonna take care of him. Lean forward for me as slow as possible."

As she said that to Stan, she had wrapped a neck brace around him. Stan leaned forward after and Abby started to examine the seat belt in his spine. She wrapped some gauze around the wound and secured the seat belt, then leaned him back up. A firefighter leaned into the vehicle opening and held his arms out.

Abby: "Alright hun, this is firefighter Dominguez he's gonna get you out of here and then you are going to the hospital, alright?"

Stan: "NO! I can't leave I need to help Kyle."

Abby: "Sweetie, I know you want to help but you're hurt too. We have him, I'm not supposed to make promises but hun I promise we will get to him and all your friends, okay?"

Stan hesitated before nodding and letting tears fall from his face harder. Abby carefully lifted Stan up to the firefighter, she was surprisingly strong. The firefighter carefully took Stan and laid him on a gurney. They rushed him up the hill and as they did Stan began to lose consciousness.

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