Chapter 16

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After a few minutes Kenny made his way back to Butters' room. He sat in a chair, no one else was in the room. Kenny just stared at Butters, he felt numb. He was so full of dread and sadness it just didn't allow him to feel anything. About 1 hour went by and he fell asleep in the chair.

Craig was wheeled into his room on a gurney. There were two surgeons and 8 nurses, 1 holding the Tuckers back. They loaded him onto the bed and started connecting him to a ventilator. His abdomen was open but wrapped in medical saran wrap, it was sterile and holding his organs in. He looked a mess, he had so many tubes and wires connected to him, he was more medical machine than boy. 

When they finally finished all the nurses but the one left and Laura made her way over to him. She sat in a chair and held Craig's hand. Thomas Tucker Went on the other side and stood above him, looking down on him with tears falling. Tricia went and sat with her mom while Karen stood next to them.

Surgeon: "We are letting his body rest and hopefully get stronger. Once we feel he can take it, we will take him back into surgery and finish the repairs to his body."

All the Tuckers nodded, with that the surgeons left. Another set of nurses an surgeons made their way through the halls with Kyle. They wheeled him into his room. It took 2 nurses to hold back Kyle's family.

Sheila: *cry yelling  "OH MY BUBBY!"

Kyle was all wrapped up. He was a little pale. After getting him settled, Kyle's mom rushed over to him and sat on the bed holding his hand. She cried heavily into it. Gerald Rushed to other side and stood above him as Ike sat on the other side of him and took his other hand.

Surgeon 2: "The metal had done a lot of damage to his abdomen and organs. We were able to patch it up but he is still very critical and unstable."

Sheila: *cry yelling  "OH DOCTOR, when will he wake!?"

Surgeon 2: "We aren't sure. We are not sure how long it will take for his body to heal enough to wake up."

Sheila groaned in sadness.  The surgeons quietly left the room. 

Next Day...

Kenny stepped off the elevator onto the ICU floor with a large bouquet of flowers. 

1) Token was awake and resting.

2) Clyde was still unconscious but somewhat stable.

3) Tweek had finally woke up but he was in and out of consciousness since then.

4) Craig was in surgery, his stats plummeted early this morning and was rushed back to the OR.

5) Butters was awake and being discharged as of this afternoon.

6) Stan was still asleep from his surgery.

7) Kyle was still  unconscious and critical.

Kenny was here to see if he could talk to Tweek and to pick up Butters. He had managed to convince Butters' parents to take him home. They went to work for half the day as requested by Butters, but they awaited for Kenny to bring him home.  

Kenny checked in at the nurses' station before heading to Butters' room. On his way he passed by Stan, Kyle, and Token. All of their families were surrounding the boys, Kenny frowned at the sight. He wished so badly for them to just be miraculously okay. That was just a wish that could never happen.

Kenny finally made it to Butters' room. He turned into the room with the flowers behind his back. Butters looked away from the discharge papers that his parents had signed last night for now. Kenny slowly walked in and revealed the flowers to him. Butters grew a large smile on his face.

Kenny: "For you my love."

Butters: "Oh, thanks Ken!"

Kenny: "You ready to go?"

Butters: "Yup, I don't really have anything just waiting for a wheelchair."

As he said this, a nurse wheeled in the wheelchair. Butters walked over to them and took the flowers from Kenny while placing a kiss on his cheek. The nurse wheeled him out of the room and towards the elevator, Kenny would have liked to but his arm was still in a sling. The nurse and Butters were settled into the elevator but Kenny didn't join them.

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