Chapter 7

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Tweek: *crying "N-NO! I d-don't have an-any service!"

Kenny: "Okay. See if you can get up the hill and back to the road. You might have service up there."

Tweek nodded and began the trek back to the road. It was difficult and things were starting to get very dizzy for Tweek, but he fought it. The climb was tiring but he made it to the road. He caught his breath and stood up. He looked around to see up the road, there, was a car with its front end smashed in and tire streaks on the road leading to it.

Tweek hesitantly walked over to the vehicle. It was a midsize SUV. The plates on the vehicle were US government plates, Tweek had never seen plates like those before. He walked back around to the passenger side and opened it.

As he did several beer bottles fell out of the car. He looked to the driver side and went wide eyed. The driver was Senator Michael Bennet. He was the senator for Colorado. Tweek was shocked he didn't know what to do. The senator's hair was messy and his t-shirt was just as messy. The car was littered with beer bottles. The senator himself was alive just sleeping as he could hear him snoring.

Tweek now filled with anger at the sight, quickly took pictures of the senator, the beer everywhere, and the car with its plates visible. After all that he could see he had 1 bar of service. He began to cry again as relief and fear took over. He dialed 911 and waited impatiently for someone to answer.

911 Operator: "911 what's your emergency?"

Tweek: *panicked crying "Yes! Yes! My-my name is Tw-week Tweak. Me and m-my friends w-were in an ac-accident. So-someone was going the wron-wrong way on Big Foot Road. Please w-we need help!"

911 Operator: "Okay sweetie. Tell me what's happened so I can send you some help."

Tweek: "The c-car went over the side going up on Big Foot Road. M-m-my fri-friends are very in-injured and are dy-dying!"

911 Operator: "Okay so we need firefighters and EMTs. How many people need help hun?"

Tweek: "9"

911 Operator: "Okay hun, they are on there way, they are 10 minutes out. Hold on okay."

Tweek: "We need p-police too. The person who hit us is st-still in his car."

911 Operator: "Of course hun, they are 6 minutes out. Just hold on."

Tweek nodded wiping the tears from his face. The operator kept Tweek talking and got more information from him about the accident. As fast as he called help had arrived.

Lights and sirens blaring up the mountain finally made it to Tweek. Kenny finally started to cry of joy and relief as help arrived. Kenny watched Tweek as he waved to the responders. Then as if someone hit the slow motion button, Tweek fell to the ground dropping the phone and going unconscious.

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