Chapter 14

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The doctor hesitated outside of Kyle's room. The doctor knew that this would be a tough talk. Out of all the boys Craig and Kyle were in the worst shape possible. Clyde was no better but he was slightly better than them. She took a deep breath and entered the room. Immediately they were bombarded by Mrs. Broflovski.

Sheila: *cry yelling "OH DOCTOR! Please my son where is he? Is he okay? OH MY BUBBY! *sobs"

Gerald: *crying "Sheila, please let her talk!"

Gerald grab Sheila and holds her.

Doctor: "It's alright Mr. Broflovski. Your son was on the worst side of the vehicle. The metal frame bent into the car and punctured Craig and your son. Kyle was punctured in the right abdominal space. It hit a major artery and damaged a lot of his intestines and a bit of his colon. He had severe blood loss as well. They are still currently working on him. I'll have more updates for you soon."

Gerald: *crying "Please doctor, could he d-
*gulp die?"

Doctor: "I don't want to scare you all or crush your hopes, there is a possibility. But Mr. Broflovski, we will do everything we can to make sure he makes it."

Gerald nodded and hugged his wife who started sobbing harder at the news.

Ike: *crying "B-but m-my brother w-will be o-o-kay? H-he won't leave m-me r-right?"

Sheila: *sobbing "OH IKE!"

She rushed over to Ike and held him as he sobbed. Gerald went over to them and held them as well.

Doctor: "I will give you all some alone time."

Gerald: *crying "T-thank you doctor."

The doctor nods and leaves the room. They head over to the nurses' station and drops off charts.

Nurse 3: "Are you alright doctor?"

Doctor: *sigh "Yes, it's just so hard. These boys are only 16 and they are in the worst condition I've ever see here in this small town. Plus *whispers I can't even tell them that our senator caused this. I'm supposed to stay quiet and lie to them. If one of them dies, I will tell them."

The nurse sighs and looks at the doctor with sad eyes. The doctor walked away towards Craig's room. This was going to be a hard one.

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