Chapter 43

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Later that night...

Tweek and Craig spent the whole night laying in Craig's bed watching movies, but... not in a way Tweek wanted to be. Craig was sitting up slightly leaning against the headboard of his bed, while Tweek laid between Craig's legs and leaned against Craig's chest. It was comfortable for both of them, but it felt very lovey-dovey which made Tweek feel flustered. 

They had been watching lots of movies and mostly sat in silence. Tweek started to get into his own head, what am I doing? Why am I just accepting this couple-esk position I'm in? I mean like he said yesterday he hurt me and and hesitated to say he likes me, so then why do I feel like we should just be in friendship mode until prom. Yeah yeah, friendship mode and then prom he can tell me how he feels and then we can actually be a couple and be the best couple of--

Craig: "Tweek if you want we don't have to sit like this."

Tweek: "Gah!"

Craig's input scared Tweek, what is he a psychic? Tweek turned around to face Craig sitting in his lap and wrapping his arms around Craig's neck, his face was red like a pepper and he felt very hot. Craig wrapped his arms around Tweek's waste looking up at Tweek with a smug smile.

Craig: "No I'm not psychic, I just know exactly what you're thinking all the time."

Tweek: *flustered  "Not funny!"

Craig: *laughs *coughs  "Sorry, I couldn't help it. Tweek I'm not pushing us into a relationship nor do I want to make you uncomfortable, I'm just really glad you're here. I do really like you but everything will be perfect when we ditch prom."

Tweek giggles and gives Craig a loving smile. He leans close to Craig so that their faces are very close which causes Craig to blush madly and take a big gulp.

Tweek: *smugly  "Do I-- make you nervouse?"

Craig: "In a way, mostly it is taking every fiber of my being not to kiss your face."

Tweek's attempt of fluster backfires causing him to be the flustered one.

Tweek: "You are too good at this game."

Craig: *laughs  "I am the most smug and sarcastic person in all of South Park."

Tweek: "I know. *pouts  I just wanted to try to play on your level."

Craig: "No one's on my level."

Craig brings them even closer making Tweek blush even harder, Craig continues giving him a sexy smug smile. 

Tweek: *nervous  "Why do you have the prettiest eyes?"

Craig: *whispers  "I don't know, maybe to lure cute blonde kids like you."

Tweek: *whispers  "You are too much."

They sit in this very close, sexy position for what felt like forever. Tweek finally gives in, he smashes his lips against Craig's. They kiss slowly exploring each other's lips. Both of them filled with a million butterflies and thousands of fireworks. This was worth the risk. Tweek thought as the kiss continued. What made Tweek even happier and more relaxed was that Craig didn't push it, he didn't try for a messy make-out, he didn't lift his shirt and explore his features, no tongue, and no sex intent. It was a simple slow kiss that made Tweek's heart melt to a puddle of blood and love.

Finally Craig pulled away first, surprisingly. Tweek sat there eyes closed in a trance. Craig smiled with a smug, loving smile at Tweek's current condition. Suddenly, Craig went into a coughing fit and it became very hard for him to breathe. This sudden outburst scared Tweek, his eyes quickly shot open and looked at Craig concerned. Fuck, that was a little too much apparently. Craig started to reaching for the oxygen machine, but before he could, Tweek quickly backed away from him, grabbed the mask, turned the machine on, and held the mask to Craig's face.

Craig: *muffled  "Thanks."

Tweek: "Sorry, I probably shouldn't have done that, especially when you are so injured and and--"

Craig: *muffled  "Tweek, never apologize for that."

Craig stared at him smugly while Tweek started blushing again and looking away.

2 days later at school...

Clyde stood at Craig's locker in anticipation, he paced back and forth in front of it giving the entrance an occasional look. Token stood leaned against the other lockers watching Clyde with a humorous look. Kenny stood near by flirting with Butters, Stan and Kyle stood next to Token watching Clyde with concern.

Clyde: "What is taking them so long? And he said Thursday, they stayed home an extra day! It should not take this long from his house to school. Maybe something happened. What if he's not okay? Whatifheisactuallybackatthehospitaldyingandthenwegetaphonecallhe'sdeadandIwon'tbeabletosaygoodbyeandthen--"

Token: "CLYDE!"

Clyde: "What!"

Token: "They're here."

He pointed to the entrance where Craig and Tweek entered. They slowly walk over as Craig is still limping and struggles to breathe slightly. Soon they make it to Craig's locker.

Stan: "Nice limp."

Craig: *light gasp  "Nice cane."

Kenny: "And I have a nice arm sling."

Kenny squishes his way between the two showing off his arm sling.

Clyde: "Hey, how are you feeling? You look good, is everything okay? You were a little late and you seem to be having some breathing issues."

Craig: "Neither bell has even rung, and stairs are hard okay."

Token: "We're glad you're back. It finally feels like the puzzle's complete and now we can all work to being okay."

Kyle: "Yeah, it feels better now that you're here."

Kenny: "Yah, yah, yah, it's great you're all better. Now let's talk about Sunday!"

Tweek: "Sunday?"

Kenny: "Uh, hello, Prom!?"

Clyde, Token, Kyle, Stan, Craig, & Tweek: "Ooohhh yah."

Kenny: "Haha, very funny. Guys it's this Sunday! Prom is here, our first prom and it's going to be great!"

As Kenny said this, he walked away with his hands pumped in the air and the first bell ringing. Kyle and Stan shake their heads an follow after him with Butters behind them.

Clyde: "Are you going to be okay?"

Craig: "Yeah Tweek's got me. I'm probably going to be late to class since I'm as slow as a turtle but I think my teachers will give me a pass."

Token: "Okay but if anything happens you will tell us, understand?"

Craig & Tweek: "Yes mom."

Token rolls his eyes at them as him and Clyde walk off to class.

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