Chapter 44

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Pre-prom: Kenny and Butters

Evening of prom rolled around and Kenny started to make his way to Butters' house. Since Kenny was on the "lower income side," Butters' parents decided to pay for their suits and tickets. Kenny bought the corsages which Butters' said to get red ones, felt odd but Kenny went along with it. 

He arrived at the Stotch residence and knocked on the door. Linda opened the door and took Kenny into a hug.

Linda: "Hi Kenny! Come on we got to get you ready so we can take a bunch of pictures, I promised your mom a lot of pictures. And, Butters' set up the most adorable picture set up outback."

Kenny: *giggles  "Sounds amazing."

Linda took him into her and her husband's room. There on the bed laid out neatly was a reddish orange suit. Kenny smiled at it.

Linda: *teary  "What do you think!?"

Kenny stared at it lovingly.

Kenny: "It's perfect."

Linda squealed and took the corsages from him. She proceeded to help Kenny get dressed, it was awkward for him but how else was he going to get it on he's only got one hand. After he was all dressed up she pinned his corsage to his left side and took him outback. Outback was a backdrop of Cinderella's carriage with a starry night sky behind it, it was magical and pretty. This year's theme was fairytales. 

Linda: "Let's get you in front of it and take some pictures."

Kenny: "Okay!"

Kenny stood in front of it and took some nice photos and some silly ones, soon Stephen came out and bowed to the door like a servant announcing their king. Butters stepped out, not in a suit, but in a really pretty sparkly red dress with a somewhat long train. It was amazing to see him embrace this side of himself and for his parents to absolutely love it. 

Kenny starred in amazement. He looks incredible! God I love this boy. 

Butters: "Wow Ken, you look amazing!"

Kenny: "Well all thanks goes to you, you have incredible taste."

Butters: *giggles  "Oh stop, let's take some pictures!"

Linda pinned the other corsage to Butters' dress and he and Kenny switched spots so that he could have his own photoshoot. The whole time the two were being complimented and swooned over by Butters' parents. They took what felt like a thousand pictures before it was time for them to leave.

Stephen: "Alright you two, let's get you to prom."

The two nodded and hoped in the car as they were driven to the school.

Pre-prom: Clyde and Token

Clyde sat in the backseat of his dad's car, a complete nervous wreck. He and Token chose maroon as their colors, and the two got their suits accordingly. Clyde's suit was maroon on the outside with the shirt layer being black with a black tie. He felt very scared, Token was rich so he probably got an amazing suit from a designer and he felt like he didn't deserve to go with him.

Roger: "Nervous?"

Clyde: *nervous laugh  "Is is that obvious?"

Roger: *chuckles  "Don't worry Clyde, Token loves you and the two of you will be great together."

Clyde gives a small smile.

Clyde: "Thanks dad."

They approach Token's house and enter through the driveway gates. The first thing they saw was a lit carriage with two horses attached, it was maroon with white cushioned seats in the back where the two would sit and fairy lights were wrapped around all the edges. Clyde's eyes went wide with excitement.

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