Chapter 26

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Next day...

Roger entered the conference room that the hospital allowed them to use. All of the parents from each injured child and few lawyers were all meeting in the room to discuss the evidence they all came across thanks to Tweek.

Gerald: "As a lawyer, I believe the best course of action is to press charges and go to court!"

Linda Stotch: "The law is what kept us from the truth!"

Randy: "I believe we should make this a public sandal. The police, the mayor, and the senator themselves hid the truth. If we release it to the press we can make a huge impact across the whole country!"

Helen Tweek: "But what justice is that. We make them look like fools? How does that make up for what they did to our babies?"

Sheila: "Exactly. We go to court and press charges against the senator and sue the city for covering it up."

Sharon: "He is a powerful senator, he will just get out of it the way he covered this whole thing up. We should make something huge an widespread that he will be forced to deal with it and then we press charges."

Carol-Lee: "I just don't know y'all."

The arguing went on and on but still no one can agree on how to handle the situation.

Gerald: "How about we vote on it, then maybe we can come to a conclusion." 


Gerald Broflovski, Sheila Broflovski, Helen Tweak, Richard Tweak, Carol-Lee McCormick, and Stuart McCormick


Randy Marsh, Sharon Marsh, Linda Black, Steve Black, Linda Stotch, and Stephen Stotch

Gerald: "Well? Tuckers, what do you think we should do?"

Laura had simply been looking out the big, glass windows. She looked sadly into the distance. Thomas standing behind her, finally approached his wife and held her. 

Laura: *shaky sigh  "I don't care. Whatever you all decide we are fine with it. The only thing that matters to me is that my baby boy wakes up and I can take him h-home. *chokes up"

Thomas brought her in close and she cried, the two walked out of the room regardless of the stares and slight anger coming from everyone else.

Randy: "Fine. That just leaves you Roger. Your vote is the deciding factor. So what's it going to be. Hope that the law will do the right thing and put that monster away, or, get everyone to know what monster he really is."

Roger: "Did you ask your son?"

Randy: *taken aback  "W-what?"

Roger: "Did you --  ask your son what he thought about all of this? Because I did! I ASKED MY SON BECAUSE THIS HAPPENED TO HIM AND HIS FRIENDS! -- I can't believe this room, all of you outraged and all you want is justice? Have any of you even told your children, the only ones who know who did this who know what happened to them is Tweek and Kenny. -- I understand that you are all worried parents whos' whole job is to protect their children, obviously everyone in this room understands that. But this was a lot of trauma to them and people they care a lot about, maybe for once we let them decide on something that effects them most. -- And I HAVE thought a lot about this if we go to court we have to put the boys on the stand and make them relive this trauma, and if we spread it all around the media we have to put them in front of cameras for their feelings and most likely it would be the  same if we ran this through court. So -- so maybe we ask our kids what will be best for them, -- but whatever, whatever you decide I don't care but I'm not involving Clyde he doesn't want anything to do with either options."

With that huge mic drop, Roger exited the room. For once, all of the parents were silent. Dumbfounded. Shocked. So many emotions now floated through everyone's thoughts. How would their kids react? Could someone like Stan even speak on a stand or into a mic? Could Tweek be strong enough to even talk about what he saw, he would be their star witness for either decision? This was no longer a simple cause. 

A few minutes passed and the parents dispersed, they knew now that it would require the input of the kids.

1 hour later...

Token's parents pulled him away from Clyde. They stood in a hall way by the vending machines off to the side. 

Linda: "Hi hon, how're you feeling?"

Token: "Um, okay I guess."

Steve: "How is uh, Clyde?"

Token: "He is getting better really fast, it's amazing I can't wait for him to be released so we can take him home!"

Linda: "Take him home? What you plan on moving him in?"

She said in a smug tone, Token blushed from ear to ear.

Token: "I-I mean no, I just meant he-he will be able to go home!"

Linda: *giggle  "It's okay sweetie, we don't care. We love Clyde and we think he is perfect for you."

She cupped his cheek and Token smiled. He just kind of came out to his parents and they accepted him pretty quickly. It couldn't be that easy for everyone right?

Steve: *clears throat  "Token, we have something important to talk to you about."

Token: "Oh? What's wrong?"

Linda: *sigh  "Hun, your friend Tweek Tweak he took pictures of the person who did this to you all. Your friend Tweek and Kenny gave us all the photos and left the decision of, currently, going to trial or go to the media and make it a much bigger thing. We had all met to discuss what we were going to do but Roger Donovan asked us to consider what you all wanted to do. And he was right, so hun--"

She looked up to Token, as he towered over her, and placed her hands on his shoulders.

Linda: "-- what do you think we should do? This happened to you, so how do you think we should deal with everything?"

Token stared at her in shock, so what I just heard is that we know who did this finally and we can make him pay!? Wait -- no that's exactly what they all have been thinking. Do I want to take the person to court, do I want the world to know what they did, or--

Token: "I want to meet him."

Steve: "What?"

Token: "I want to meet him, I want to sit down with him and understand what happened."

Linda: "Hun, he was drunk! He was a foolish drunk who has so much power that he COULDN'T CARE LESS WHAT HE DID TO OTHERS BECAUSE IF HE DID CARE HE WOULD HAVE COME FORWARD AND TOLD THE TRUTH!"

Steve side hugged her to calm her. Token stared at them with sadness, she started to cry.

Token: "I understand your anger mom, I do. I felt it too, he made this happen. He made me-- I want to meet him and I want answers. Then maybe from there I can decide what should happen to him."

His parents looked at him with sad eyes, but regardless they smiled at him. They all hugged, then they backed away and nodded at him. They said their goodbyes and left the hospital.

Text messages-

Parents of South Park

Linda Black ~ Token wants to meet with him, I'm not sure why but that is what our son has decided > 11:30 am

Gerald Broflovski ~ WHAT! That's insane, that's slightly understandable > 11:31 am

Helen Tweak ~ Well, that is one angle, we will talk to our son > 11:35 am

The Boyz

T-man ~ Our parents r going to ask u all what u think we should do about the guy who was goin the wrong way > 11:36 am

T-man ~ Tell them u want to meet the guy > 11:36 am

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