Chapter 5

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Stan now panicked at the sight of Craig, realized that Kyle was on the same side as him. In a panic, Stan turned around to look at Kyle but before he could get far enough to see him Kenny yelled.

Kenny: "STAN!! STOP! Turn around slow and sit down for me."

Stan: *crying  "What, why? I need to check on Kyle!"

Kenny: "There is something in your back, please sit back down."

Stan lowered himself slowly back into his seat. Kenny helped push Tweek further into the vehicle. Tweek got in and made his way closer to Stan, he grabbed his shoulder and slowly moved him forward keeping him as straight as possible. There in his lower spine was the metal latch of the seat belt with the strap attached and torn at the end. He was slightly bleeding from it but other than that the only concerning aspect was how far it was imbedded into his spine.

Tweek: *crying "Oh shit!"

Stan: *crying "What?!"

Kenny: "Stan can you feel your legs?"

Stan: *crying "Yes, but there is this numb spot on my back."

Kenny: "Okay, I know you want to check on Kyle but I need you to stay AS STILL AS POSSIBLE. Understand? Because there is something in your back and I don't want it to do anymore damage to you. Alright?"

Stan: *cry yelling "But Kenny I need to make sure Kyle is ok!"

Tweek: *crying "Stan I've got this. I can check on him and Butters ok? Just please be okay."

Stan: *crying "O-okay."

Kenny nodded at Tweek and Tweek lowered Stan back down. After, he climbed into the back seat with Kyle and Butters. He first checked on Butters.

Butters was unconscious but breathing. He was bruised and cut up just like everyone else. Tweek gave him a thorough look over but couldn't find anything wrong. He tried waking him but he didn't wake up.

Tweek looked over to Kenny through the gaps of the middle row seat's head rest. Kenny's face was a little unreadable, it was a mixture of fear, pain, worry, and a little relief.

Kenny: "It's okay, he's okay. Just check on Kyle please."

Tweek nodded and turned around to Kyle. The sight was not good.

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