Chapter 15

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Once again, the doctor waited outside for a moment before entering. The doctor entered the room, but unlike the Broflovski room this room was quiet and tense.

Doctor: "Hello everyone, how are we doing?"

Laura Tucker: *crying "We — we are holding up. What ha-happened to Craig?"

Doctor: "He was sitting on the worst side of the vehicle in the accident. The vehicle's side bent around him and crushed his lungs. They are currently trying to reinflate his lungs. He was also stabbed by the frame of the car. His small intestine and large intestine was damaged and so was his colon. They are working very hard to fix it but his lungs are making it difficult. He coded 4 times on the way here and is coding in surgery. They are planning on letting his body rest and see if we can strengthen his lungs to take him back in. He will be here in a few more minutes."

Helen Tweak: *crying "Oh *hic oh god."

Tricia is sobbing quietly into Karen who has slow tears falling. Thomas Tucker holds his head in his hands silently shaking. Laura stands there just letting out small breathes, she smiles weakly and nods. She then starts pacing the room. Helen walks over to her and starts whispering. The doctor nods and leaves the room.

Kenny makes his way around to each room, the doctor was too busy to update him. He first went to Token's room but he wasn't there. He left and went to Clyde's room, his father was getting a cup of coffee. Kenny walked over to the end of his bed and grabbed the chart. Kenny had lots of experience with hospital and "injury" stuff. He read the chart a bit, learning that Clyde was in a bad state and it was all just a waiting game to see if he would get better. 

Kenny put the chart back and held onto the Clyde's leg. He closed his eyes and gave a little prayer. It's all he felt he could do. 

He left Clyde's room and went to Tweek's. Tweek's parents were outside whispering to each other. Kenny entered the room and grabbed the chart. He looked over the MRI that was with it and gulped. He set it back down and walked over to Tweek and sat in a chair by the bed. 

Kenny: *whisper crying "Oh Tweek, I shouldn't have just let you walk around. I knew you had a head injury. I'm so sorry. I should have called them *hic I-I'm so sorry."

Kenny sat for a bit letting slow tears fall from his face. He squeezed Tweek's arm and stood up. He left the room and made his way to the other's rooms. 

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