Chapter 40

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Tweek sat outside of Craig's room in a seat waiting for the doctor to come and talk to him. As he waited, the rest of the Tuckers rushed off the elevator and ran towards Tweek.

Laura: *crying  "Tweek!"

Tweek heard his name and looked up to where the call came from. Once he saw the Tuckers, he stood up just as Laura reached him. She hugged him and he hugged her back.

Laura: *crying  "Oh Tweek, what happened? Is he okay?"

Tweek: *light crying  "I don't know, he was coughing when I got here and then it got worse and then he coughed up some blood! The doctor and nurses helped him and then ran some tests but they won't let me see him."

As he finished the doctor stepped off the elevator with files in their hand. The doctor walked over to the Tuckers and Tweek and they turned to them in anticipation. 

Doctor: "Okay, so we ran some tests and we found that his white blood count was elevated. He has an infection and we centered it to his lungs. His lungs got infected pretty badly, we are pumping him with antibiotics but we will need to do a surgery to get some scar tissue and gunk out."

Thomas: "Oh god, okay and that will help?"

Doctor: "Oh yes, it was good we caught it so early. After the surgery and a day of recovery from it he will be able to go home."

Everyone perked up and were joyous to hear.

Thomas: "That soon?"

Doctor: "Maybe 2 days of monitoring here, but he is in very good shape other whys. He has been here so long we think his body will heal better if he was more comfortable. I have some paperwork for you for the surgery and some equipment to take home. It will be better for him to heal more at home but it will still be hard for him to breath and a little shaky to walk. So we are going to give you an oxygen machine home incase his breathing becomes too difficult. Alright, here in a few minutes we will take him to surgery. Good catch Tweek."

The doctor placed a hand on his shoulder as they walked away. Laura took Tweek into a hug, and Thomas hugged them both in a bigger one.

Laura: *whispers  "Thank you for being there to save him Tweek."

She kissed his forehead and he started to cry. If he hadn't come to see Craig, he might have been in a much worse state. Maybe I am good for him.

The Tuckers walked off to go fill out the paperwork. Tweek sat back down and texted everyone.

The Boyz:

Tweekers ~ Craig is dying AGAIN! > 1:23 am

C-lo ~ WUT!!!  > 1:25 am

T-man ~ YAH WUT?! > 1:26 am

Tweekers ~ Craig has nother surgery his lgs got infected so he neeeeds sugery to get rif of it > 1:26 am 

K2 ~ Oh god, I hope he's okay > 1:29 am

K-slut ~ ah hell be fin > 1:33 am

Tweek looked up from his phone in time to see them wheel Craig out in like a bubble. He watched them take him all the way through the OR door. He sighed an looked straight up.

6 am rolled around...

Tweek wakes from light shinning onto his face, he looks around to find himself on a couch in a very grey blank room. He looked to the source of the light to see a window with shades and light shinning through. He looked to his left to see a hospital bed, his eyes opened wide remembering where he was but soon his shock changed to confusion. How did I end up on the couch in his room?

He stood up and walked over to Craig. He was asleep with an oxygen mask on, he was no longer pale and his fever was gone. Tweek let out a shaky breath of relief, he pet some hair out of Craig's face. Laura walked into the room and set a hand on Tweek's shoulder, startling him. He turned around to face her.

Laura: "*whispers  "He got out of surgery two hours ago. He's going to be okay and later tonight we get to take him home."

Tweek gave her a shocked expression, he just got out of surgery and already he can go home.

Laura: "The surgery went perfect and the infection is all gone. He will be a little sore and hard of breathing but he will be okay. We just have to monitor his breathing and change his dressings. I already talked to your parents but I wanted to ask you too. Will you stay with us for a weeks or so? I could use your help making sure he is okay and gets to school okay."

Tweek: "Oh yes Mrs. Tucker, I would love to."

Laura: "Thank you sweetie. Lets head out, I need to swing you by your place so you can change out of your uniform."

Tweek: "Why, where are we going?"

Laura: "School hun."

Tweek went wide eyed remembering he had school today. He nodded and turned back to Craig, he leaned down to him and kissed him on the forehead. They then turned around and left the room.

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