Chapter 22

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4 days later...

Tweek and Token were released from the hospital 2 days ago. They had went back to school and for Tweek, it was not easy. He was so stressed and scared for everyone still in the hospital. At this point Clyde had another surgery, Kyle had another surgery, and Craig had TWO more surgeries. It was all just -- too -- much -- pressure.

Today was the day Stan was being released. He spent the past four days walking and strengthening his body. It was all really painful and he was still in a lot of pain but he was given a cane to help him take some pressure off and he was well enough to go. His parents and the doctors wanted to keep him for a few more days, but Stan couldn't do it. He couldn't lay in that hospital bed anymore and he couldn't be away from Kyle any longer.

Stan stood in front of Kyle's room looking in through the big window that peered into the room. He wore a wine colored hoodie, black sweat pants, comfy sneakers, and his classic red and blue beanie, which he hadn't worn in years. The only reason he wore it now was because Kyle told him once that he loved it and was sad it was gone from Stan's style. 

He let slow tears fall from his face as he intently stared at Kyle. Kyle's mom was asleep on the couch in the room with Ike was sleeping on a sleeping bag below her. Gerald sat in the chair also staring intently at his son. Sharon and Randy walked up behind Stan and put a hand on his shoulder.

Randy: "You ready to go Stan?"

Stan: "I'm not leaving."

Sharon: "I'm sorry? What do you mean you're not leaving Stanley?"

Stan: "I'm not going home. I'm not going to school. AND, I'm not leaving this spot."

Sharon: "Stan, honey, you can't stay--"

Stan: "I'm not leaving."

Sharon looked worryingly at Randy. He grabbed her and they walked off somewhere Stan didn't see. He didn't care, he wasn't leaving this spot. A few minutes later, and Randy and Sharon came back with the doctor.

Doctor: "Hi Stan, what's going on?"

Stan: "You can't make me leave. I'm not leaving this spot."

Doctor: "Stan honey, you've been discharged you can't--"

Stan: *yelling  "I'M NOT LEAVING!!"

Sharon: "STAN!"


Randy grabbed Stan and Stan fought him. He fought him hard. Stan was able to release himself from his father's grip and in doing so he fell backward onto the floor.

Sharon: "STANLEY!"

Sharon and the doctor rushed over to him and Randy goes to grab him to help him up. Before he could, Stan swatted his hand away.

Stan: "GET AWAY FROM ME! *starts to cry  I'm not *hic  leaving, I'm staying he-here and watching over Kyle!"

They all stared at him with sad eyes. The doctor helped Stan stand up as carefully as possible and Stan turned back to where he was, staring at Kyle. He was in even more pain than before thanks to the fall. Sharon, Randy, and the doctor walked away from him just a short distance away.

Sharon: *whispers  "Please doctor isn't there anything you can do?"

Doctor: *whispers  "I don't want to force him to leave. He is still very injured and to force him will not go well. I'm going to page psych and have them speak with him, see if we can find a solution."

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