Chapter 34

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Sheila stared at Kyle with worried and anxious eyes. Kyle glared back waiting for her response. Eventually her look changed to anger.

Sheila: "This is unacceptable Kyle! You should be with us and he shouldn't be here. You need rest and to heal so we can take you home. He has been here the whole time and he shouldn't have been, his parents should have forced him home. If they were better at raising him then he wouldn't want to kill himself!"

Kyle & Ike: "MOM!"

Sheila: "It is inappropriate for your friend to be laying on you like this. For two boys to be together -- Kyle this is not how I raised you!"

Gerald: "SHEILA!"

Sheila turned her head to see a very angry Gerald. Ike glared at her as well. Kyle sat there wide eyed. Did she just call us inappropriate? How could she say that about Stan!? Stan is my everything, how did she not know that? How could she say that to me? I have always done what she asked of me, I thought dying would mean she would let me have one thing!

Gerald: "Sheila, this is our son and he has been through something horrible. He is allowed to be happy and I WON'T let you ruin that!

Sheila: "GERALD!"


Sheila: "Gerald, I am not leaving my son. We need to stay and --"

Gerald: "NOW!"

Ike hugged Kyle who was using every fiber of his being not to cry. Kyle hugged him back and they separated for Ike to smile at him. Gerald hugged Kyle and Kyle let one tear fall. Gerald blocked Kyle's face from Sheila, he quickly wiped the tear and kissed Kyle on the head. He smiled at Kyle and stood up. Before Sheila could hug or touch or talk to her son, Gerald handed her her bag and guided her out of the room. They all waved to Kyle and left the room.

He watched them leave. He closed his eyes and let the tears slowly fall from his face. He felt something touch his face and he opened his eyes wide in surprise. He looked down to see Stan looking at him with sad eyes. He sat up so that he wasn't laying on Kyle anymore. He grabbed Kyle's face and pulled it close to his so that their foreheads were touching.

Stan: *whispers  "I'm-I'm really sorry Kyle. I didn't mean to- You should have woken me up. I could have left and came back."

Kyle: *crying  "No! You leaving would mean she wins. You leaving is saying that you can only love me in private and I can only love you in private. I don't want that! I want to love you in front of the world!"

Stan: "I would scream to the whole world that I loved you. I'm not afraid and I'm not ashamed. I'm here for you, I will do anything you wish of me. Okay?"

Kyle nodded, they both closed their eyes and sat in silence with their faces close together. They slowly started moving closer to each other. Lips only centimeters away. Before they could connect, there was a knock at the door. 

They both turned away quickly backing far from each other with the reddest faces ever. Kyle buried his face in his hands, his ears being the only thing visible but hard to see since they were as red as his hair. Stan looked at the door way in annoyance, where he saw none other than Kenny. 

Kenny made his way over to them and gave them a smug look.

Kenny: *dramatic  "Oh I'm sorry, was I interrupting something sexy?"

Kenny said while bouncing his eye brows.

Stan: *flustered  "W-What no! We were j-just talking!"

Kenny: *giggles  "Oh I'm suuure. *giggles  Anyways, how are you both doing? Great I see."

Kyle's redness faded and he looked up to Kenny.

Kyle: *sigh "We are -- okay. Just tired and fed up with people. How are you Kenny, I heard you had a hard time at school."

Kenny: *scratches back of head  "Yah I guess. I'm doing okay. I feel like everything is falling into our favor a little more. We just need to pray that Craig finishes the good luck train."

Kyle: "What's wrong with Craig?"

Stan and Kenny give each other a sad look and sigh.

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