Author's Note

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Hello, sorry I really didn't want to add an author's note, I hate when I'm on here reading and the story get interrupted by the author. But now that I'm writing my very fist story I kind of understand the need.

I'll keep it short (kind of). I just went back and fixed/added some stuff in the other chapters and wanted to clarify some things.

1) The large SUV that is Token's is the size of a 2000 GMC Yukon XL but probably a Mercedes of some sort, a richer car.

2) The midsize SUV that the senator drives is the size of a 2017 Subaru Outback

3) I address the doctor as they because I leave it up to you to gender them, in my mind she is a she hehe, but they can be whatever gender you want in your mind.

I would love feedback I love input, I always try and make things better that way. I really appreciate you all for reading and I hope you like it. Do you think I should change Token to Tolkien since I just saw the new episode about him, or should I just leave it?

And finally a special thanks to @heartzz_foramy1 I know I haven't reacted to your comments but I appreciate you a hella lot and love the comments. If you have any questions I'll try to answer without spoils. 

Thank y'all!

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