Chapter 41

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After school...

Tweek quickly shoved stuff into his locker, just putting everything back randomly and messy. Clyde noticed his rush and gave a questioning look to Token. Token looked back to him and shrugged, the two then made their way over to Tweek.

Clyde: "Tweeky darling, what's the rush?"

Tweek: "I have to get to the hospital."

Token: "Oh right, do you have a status update, is he okay?"

Tweek: "OH! Yeah he's fine. He had an infection in his lung but they took care of it. Sorry I didn't tell you all day, I was distracted by just getting through the day and back to him. Actually, you will never believe what happened."

As Tweek said this he closed his locker and turned around to them.

Clyde: "OMG spill the T-E-A!"

Tweek: "His parents are having me stay with them to help him around the house and get him to school! Also -- *finger tips touching -- he a-asked me to prom."

Clyde: "YEEEEEE *squeal  Yay! I told you Tweekers, uh I'm so excited! Me with Token, Stan with Kyle, Kenny with Butters, and you with Craig! I hope we steal prom king and KING from Wendy for once. Like seriously how do you win prom queen 2 years in a row when for those two years you aren't even allowed to go to prom."

Token: "Relax Clyde, remember this is supposed to be about going to a dance, -- with me."

Token gave Clyde a smug look while nudging him. Clyde became flustered and rubbed the back of his head while giving Token an apologetic look.

Token: "By the way Tweek, you need to get going."

Tweek: "AH! Thanks Token, I'll see you guys on Thursday."

Tweek said running off.



Clyde: "Oh, cute, they're gonna do it."

Token: "Because I'm sure Craig will be up for that."

Clyde: "You and I both know he would be."

Token: "Oh shut it, come on lets go."

Tweek ran outside and looked around the parking lot, he spotted the Tucker car and ran over to it and hopped in the back. He thought Tricia would be there but she wasn't. She's probably with Karen.

Laura: "Hi hun, ready to go."

Tweek: "Yes, thank you for letting me do this, I really -- just want to make sure he's okay."

Laura: *giggles  "Of course love, it was important for me too. You make him so happy and that's all I want for him right now. Let's head to your place to get your clothes and stuff, aanndd I got that thing you asked me to get."

Tweek blushed but was excited.

Tweek: "Thank you Mrs--"

Laura: "Just call me Laura hun."

Tweek: "Right, thank you Laura."

One trip to Tweek's house and voyage to the hospital later...

Tweek and Laura stepped off the elevator, they waked over to Craig's room and entered. Craig was standing with Thomas near the couch. Thomas was helping him slightly to stand.

Laura: "Craig, you shouldn't be standing so soon you need rest."

Craig: "Yah and if I don't then how am I expected to go to school and walk up the stairs when we get home."

Laura glared at him and Thomas, Thomas shrugged and Craig ignored her. Laura left the room and made her way to tell the doctor they were ready to leave.

Craig: "Hey, uh, dad maybe you should go help mom out, you know so we can get out of here sooner."

Thomas looked at him confused and Craig casually nodded to Tweek trying to signal his dad to let them be. Thomas caught on.

Thomas: "Right, *clears throat  Tweek can you come hold Craig?"

Tweek: *flustered  "Uh-oh right yah I can do t-that."

Tweek walked over and switched with Thomas. Tweek grabbed his hand and Thomas placed his other arm around Craig's waste. It was almost like an awkward start to a dance, Tweek's face became very red. Thomas exited the room and now it was Craig, who towered over Tweek like a giant, and Tweek holding him up. Craig simply smiled at him with love while Tweek had his flustered face on.

Craig: "You look nervous."

Craig said smugly. Tweek still flustered glared at him.

Tweek: "This is not funny, w-we are really close, and and and I'm very much in love with you and and this is really scary."

Craig: *laughter turned into a slight cough  "Tweekers relax, just think about it as you helping me stand because honestly if you weren't here right now I'm pretty sure I would fall."

Tweek's fluster turned to worry at this. The Tucker parents entered the room, Laura held a bag full of medication, bandages, and gauze. Thomas had the wheel chair and the oxygen machine in the seat of it. 

Laura: "Alright you two lets get you home."

Thomas picked up the oxygen machine and Tweek helped Craig into the wheel chair. Tweek wheeled Craig out with the Tucker parents behind them as they headed to the elevator. 

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