Chapter 4

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Back to the aftermath of the crash...

Kenny and Tweek made their way limping to the SUV. It was on its side but propped up enough so that everyone inside wasn't completely sideways. Kenny peeked into the driver window to see Token scratched up and clenching the wheel really hard. The window was shattered and the glass had implanted into Token's face. He was breathing heavily clearly panicking.

Kenny: "Token, are you okay? Tell me what's going on. Where are you hurt?"

Token: *crying "Ken *hic  nny, I-I don't k-know. Wha-what happened, wha-what did I do. I-I shouldn't have swer-swerved. OH GOD CLYDE! DID I KILL HIM!"

Token looked over to Clyde to see him unconscious. He was pretty beat up since his side of the vehicle took all of the brunt of the accident. Token reached over struggling to reach him to check his pulse. Token's leg was smashed between his seat and the center console, he was dizzy from the air bag impact. He felt Clyde's neck checking for a pulse, it was there but very light. Token went wide eyed panicking more knowing Clyde was in trouble. His thoughts and panic were cut by Kenny's screams.

Kenny: "TOKEN! I know okay but I need to see if your okay. Please calm down we are going to get help for you and Clyde. I need you to sit still and keep your neck straight and focus on staying awake. Okay?"

Kenny tried opening his door, but couldn't. It was hard for him since he was basically one handed. Tweek came over to try and help, but even with his little help it wouldn't budge.

Token still a crying, hicking mess, slowly lowered himself back into his seat and looked forward out of the shattered windshield.

Token: *crying "Okay. *hic  Okay. Just please get to everyone and tell me if they're okay."

Kenny nodded and turned to the side door that Kenny and Tweek flew out from, Tweek was lifting himself into it. Kenny joined him and they looked into the car. Now sitting in the middle of the middle row was Stan. During the flip after Tweek and Kenny were thrown out, Stan was thrown forward into Tweek's spot. He was beat up and had blood on him. Kenny reached in and checked his pulse. It was there and strong, as he did this Stan started to wake up and looked around.

Stan: "Kenny? What happened? Where are we? *crying  Kyle?! Kyle?!"

Kenny: "Hey Stan, it's okay, we'll check on him in a minute okay first I need to know if you're okay?"

Stan: *crying  "*hic  Yah, yah, I'm okay. I'm okay."

Kenny: "Okay good. Now I need you to carefully look over to your right and check on Craig."

Tweek: *crying harder "Oh god, Craig, CRAIG!"

Stan looked next to him to see Craig. He looked the worse. His whole right side was stuck in the car door as it bent around him. He was covered in gashes and imbedded glass. Stan reached over to the unconscious Craig to check if he was alive. Craig was barley breathing the vehicle was crushing his chest keeping him from breathing properly. As Stan looked lower, he could see that the metal frame bent inward and punctured Craig's lower abdomen.

Stan looked back over to Kenny who was consoling Tweek. Kenny gave him a quick look and Stan took the opportunity to give him a panicked head shake. Kenny went a little pale and swallowed hard.

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