Chapter 31

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Tweek stood in the corner of Craig's room just staring at him. He was tired, it was late and the crying didn't help. No matter how tired he felt he wanted to be here, he wanted to see what they would decide. Don't lose it, this is there son. You have to be okay with whatever they decide, even if it will be the most painful thing in the world.

Thomas was pacing the room, Tricia was sitting on the bed at Craig's feet, and Laura sat in a chair next to his bed with her head in her hands. Eventually the doctor and a surgeon entered the room, the doctor stood behind the surgeon while the surgeon opened the chart and reexamined it. 

Surgeon: "Mr and Mrs. Tucker, your son is in critical condition. We plan to go back in and make some repairs to his lungs and the area around them to see if we can boost his oxygen levels. If we are successful we hope that his kidney functions will get better and his body will heal more and then we can take him off the ventilator."

Thomas: *big gulp  "If you fail, what then?"

Surgeon: "I won't lie Mr. Tucker, there is a chance that the surgery even if successful won't change anything. The odds are not great and his current condition isn't going to last. If he goes into multi-system organ failure, --- there will be nothing we can do."

Thomas: *anger  "So what your saying is that he's dying! The surgery could kill him, the surgery might fail regardless and he will die, if we don't do anything his organs will fail and he'll die, or we pull the plug and HE DIES!"

Laura: *crying  "THOMAS!"

Laura stood up violently and stared at Thomas in anger. He stared at her back, before walking towards her. 


Laura: *cry yelling  "SHUT UP! CRAIG IS NOT DEAD! He-he's not dead, my baby boy is not dead."

The room was now silent, Laura fell to the ground and cried into her body. Thomas rushed to her side and kneeled on the ground and held her. Tricia sat on the bed bawling silently. Tweek stood in the corner looking down. This was all too much for everyone, Craig is dying and they don't know how to stop it or let it happen.

Laura eventually looked up to Thomas as tears aggressively fell from her face. 

Laura: *sobbing  "T-Thomas we-we *hic  we ha-have to do the surgery."

Thomas: *crying "But Laura what if it fails, then he will die anyways. Maybe we should say enough is enough and let our boy rest."

Tweek: *angry  "NO YOU CAN'T GIVE UP ON HIM!"

The whole room looked to him in shock and a little anger.

Tweek: *lightly crying  "I'm--I'm sorry. --- Craig is strong, he has held out for this long and had already struggled from the SUV to the hospital. Even then, he kept fighting. We can't give up on him now, if he gets the surgery then there is a chance he'll make it. Isn't that worth it?"

Thomas stared in anger at Tweek but slowly the anger faded from his face. He was right, a chance was a chance. He looked back down to Laura and she smiled at him through the pain. 

Thomas: "He'll have the surgery, just --- please do your best."

The surgeon and doctor nodded at them. They started preparing Craig and had his parents fill out the forms. They wheeled him to the OR doors as the Tuckers followed. Tweek stood in the door way of Craig's room and watched. More tears fell from his face.

Please let this work.

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