Chapter 23

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1 hour later...

Sharon and Randy sat in the waiting area just watching their son who was as still as a statue. He just stood and stared at Kyle with tears falling from his face occasionally. The doctor soon walked over to the Marshes' with another doctor in tow.

Doctor: "Mr and Mrs. Marsh this is Doctor Tyler, he is the psych consult I asked to come down here."

Doctor Tyler: "Mr and Mrs. Marsh."

Doctor Tyler shook both of their hands.

Doctor Tyler: "I'm going to go talk to your son and see where he is right now, okay?"

They bother nodded at them and Doctor Tyler walked over to where Stan was standing.

Doctor Tyler: "Hi Stan, I'm Doctor Tyler. *long pause  Is this boy your friend?"

Stan: "BEST friend, he is -- my best friend. *starts crying"

Doctor Tyler: "Your best friend of course, and why -- do you feel you need to stand here and watch over him. Are you worried that we aren't"

Stan: *crying  "No! Everyone is doing everything they can for him."

Doctor Tyler: *long pause  "Then tell me Stan, what's wrong? What are you feeling? Why can't you leave this spot?"

Stan: *wipes a tear away  "I'm soo afraid to leave. I'm afraid to -- look away! I can't leave and I can't look away, if I do -- I'm afraid I'll miss him. I'll miss him waking up or I'll miss him --"

Doctor Tyler: "And, why does that bother you?"

Stan: *wipes another tear  "If he doesn't wake up, if I can't tell him I love him, if I can't -- *whispers  kiss his lips. Then I can't be here anymore, I won't make it. If I leave this spot, if I look away, then I will fall apart. I am being held together by stitches and glue, I'm unstable, fragile. I can't take a hit like this! I have no reason to be here if he's not."

Doctor Tyler sadly nodded and gulped hard. What Stan basically just said was, if Kyle dies I die. Stan's mental state is not in a great place. The trauma of seeing his best friend, the love of his life, barley alive and there was nothing that Stan could do was breaking him. Doctor Tyler had some observations that Stan might have some sort of mental illness that was spiked from the accident. Doctor Tyler knew that if Stan leaves or can't be in that spot then, they will all have their first casualty of this accident.

Doctor Tyler patted Stan's shoulder and walked back to the other doctor and Stan's parents.

Randy: "Well?"

Doctor Tyler: "I'm admitting him as a sever suicide watch."

Sharon: "WHAT!?"

Doctor Tyler: "Your son is in love with that boy, he loves him more than life. Stan views --"

Doctor Tyler looked to the other doctor for Kyle's name.

Doctor: "Kyle."

Doctor: "Kyle, as his life. Seeing him in that condition barley hanging on and in a very unstable condition is destroying is psyche. If we remove Stan from that spot I'm afraid that he will attempt suicide. This is a very serious situation. I know you all want him home and it may not be the greatest for him to stand there until something happens to Kyle, but if we don't let him you will be barring your son. As cruel as that sounds."

Sharon started crying and Randy held her.

Randy: "Is there really nothing we can do?"

Doctor Tyler: "This is the best course of action for him. To see Kyle through, and depending on the situation of that -- might require an actual admission and lots of therapy"

Doctor: "We will monitor him the whole time Mr. Marsh. We won't let anything happen to him and we will try and get him to sit at least so we can rest his back."

Randy stared sadly at the doctor but knew that they were right. He nodded at them and brought Sharon over to Stan. 

Randy: "Alright Stan, me and your mom are going to go home. If there is ANYTHING you need please call us okay."

Stan couldn't speak, the knot in his throat wouldn't allow him. Stan nodded and hugged them both. 

Sharon: *crying  "Please be careful Stan, if you feel any pain please sit or get help. I mean it."

I'm always in pain mom, all of this is painful. Regardless of his thoughts Stan nodded at her and let her kiss his cheek. His parent left slowly watching Stan the whole time.

Please Kyle. Please don't leave me.

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