Chapter 21

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Tweek: *panicked  "KENNY! I-I-I TOOK A PHOTO!"

Kenny: "What photo, what are you talking about?"

Tweek: *panicked and getting louder  "WHEN I WENT BACK TO THE ROAD TO CALL FOR-FOR HELP! AND-AND-AND --"

Kenny: "TWEEK! Take a breath, explain calmly."

Tweek: *2 deep breathes  "Okay-o-okay. When I went back to-to the road to get service to cal-call for help,  the person who wa-was going the wrong way on the r-road was still there. I we-went over to check it out an-and saw that Senator Bennet wa-was passed out dru-drunk. He di-did this! We hav-have to tell everyone!"

Kenny took a pause. What Tweek just told him was a lot and -- a scandal. Everyone's parents have been freaking out and dying to know who caused this since the only thing that the doctors and police have told them was someone was going the wrong way down the road and made Token swerve in order to avoid a full on collision. 

Kenny: "Okay. We -- we will have a family meeting with everyone's parents and show them the photo and give it to Mr. Broflovski since he is a lawyer. Then we can let them worry about it."

Tweek: "But Kenny, how can we not worry, what he did. I should post it everywhere!"

Kenny: "NO! I get it and I understand that is an option, but, we have to let someone else worry about that. You and me, and Butters, and Token, we need to worry about each other being okay. I know that everyone's parents will do that too but they are angry and scared, they want revenge --"


Kenny: "NO! What you and I want is for Stan, Clyde, Kyle, -- and Craig to be okay. Okay?"

Tweek let out a shaky breath as more tears rolled down his face. Tweek was angry, this was supposed to be a calm and fun weekend but instead they are all in the hospital and some of them are dying. But, with all that, Kenny was right. His focus should only be on Stan, Clyde, Kyle, and -- Craig.

Tweek nodded and Kenny nodded back. He stood up and left the room. It was time for a meeting.

5 hours later....

Kenny had gathered every family into Tweek's room.

Token's mom and dad.

Kenny's mom and dad.

Butters' mom and dad.

Tweek's dad.

Clyde's dad.

Stan's mom and dad.

Kyle's mom and dad.

And Craig's mom and dad.

It was a little cramped in the small room but necessary. All of the parents were confused why they were here instead of at home or instead of with their kids. Kenny gave very little information to them and didn't reveal much. It was late and everyone was tired.

Carol-Lee: "Kenny what is this all about?"

Sheila: *light crying  "I need to be with my son Mrs. McCormick. So please tell me what this is all about."

Kenny: "Look I know you are all stressed and tired and worried but this is really important. So-- here we go. *deep breath  After me and Tweek checked on everyone in the car me and him were trying to come up with ideas on what to do. Two beat up kids couldn't do much. Tweek remembered we have phones, *mumbles  as dumb as that sounds, and Tweek tried to call for help but didn't have service. I had him go back to the road to try there, once Tweek had got there he saw the car that drove us off the road."

Randy: "YOU SAW! Then Tweek you know who did this, please you have to tell us!"

Randy had been very aggressive with asking. He was clearly mad and hurt that his son was in his current condition due to what happened to him. Tweek began to shake and twitch a little, all of this was just piling more pressure on top of the too much pressure he already felt. 


Richard Tweak: "RANDY PLEASE! Let him breath!"

Kenny: "Everyone breath! I will explain more. -- Tweek went and checked out the car and he opened the door to find beer bottles roll out of the vehicle and -- he took a picture of everything."

Tweek handed his phone to Kenny who then handed it to Randy. Randy stared intently and scrolled through the three photos like something would change. Sharon peaked over his shoulder and her eyes went wide. Roger Donovan peaked over his other shoulder and brought his hand to his mouth as tears started flowing from his face.

Gerald: "Randy what is it!"

Randy handed the phone to him. Gerald stared at it as anger started to fill his face. Sheila looked over his shoulder with Laura Tucker squeezing in next to her to see and Thomas Tucker standing behind them, anger also filling his face. 

After a while every parent was able to see the photos that Tweek had taken of the accident. It finished with Steve Black handing the phone back to Kenny.

Kenny: "I'm going to send the photos to you Mr. Broflovski. You may all decide what you do with them."

Kenny finished sending the photos to Gerald and handed the phone back to Tweek. All of the parents thanked Kenny and Tweek and left the room. They stepped into the waiting area and began talking, mostly arguing.

Rabble. Rabble. Rabble, Rabble, Rabble.

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