Chapter 42

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Same evening...

Stan and Kyle walked towards Kyle's house holding hands. They were chatting about random stuff all the way up to his door. Kyle opened it and entered with Gerald sitting on the couch.

Gerald: "Hey you two, how was school?"

Kyle: "Same old same old."

Gerald laughed and nodded, the two boys headed toward the stairs when Sheila entered the living room from the kitchen.

Sheila: "Hi Bubby, how was scho-- wait, Bubby why is Stan here?"

Kyle: *agitated  "He is here to hang out with me."

Sheila: "O-kay, well did you find a date for the prom."

Gerald: "Shiela, remember, he's going to prom with Stan."

Sheila: "Wha-what, no he can't you need to find a nice girl."

Gerald: "Sheila! We talked about this Kyle doesn't like girls and he wants to go with Stan."

Kyle felt the anger inside of him building while Stan stood their feeling awkward and scared for Kyle. 

Sheila: "Kyle please, let's talk about this. You were not raised like this, your friendship with Stan is okay but you can't date him. Please bubby, I--"


Kyle grabbed Stan's hand and pulled him upstairs and into his room where he slammed the door. Stan stood in the center of his room looking at Kyle with worry and sadness while Kyle stood their facing the door. From Kyle's room you could hear the muffled arguing from down stairs. Stan dropped his backpack and slowly walked over to him, he wrapped his arms around him and kissed his cheek that was damp from crying. 

Kyle turned around to face him and buried himself into Stan's chest. Stan pulled him in tight and hugged him while Kyle cried. After a few seconds he pulled Kyle back so that he was looking at Stan.

Stan: "Love you don't need her, your dad accepts us and so does Ike. And I'll always be here for you my love, she can't chase me away ever."

Kyle smiled at him and wiped his tears away. He stood on his tippy toes to meet Stan's face and placed his lips on Stan's. Stan pulled him into the kiss more and deepened it.

Tuckers and Tweek make it to their house...

Laura and Thomas exited the car and Tweek got out walking over to Craig's side of the car and opening it for him. He helped Craig get out of the car but it was hard for Craig, once out he took a minute to breath. He was having trouble and Tweek was worried. Craig had his arm wrapped around Tweek for balance while Tweek had his arm around Craig's waste and holding the arm around his shoulder.

Tweek: "Are you okay?"

Craig: *deep breathes  "Yeah, *inhale, I'm okay let's go inside. *inhale"

Tweek nodded worried but helped him into the house, when they entered his mom was setting stuff up downstairs while Thomas was in Craig's room setting stuff up.

Laura: "Are you okay Craig?"

Craig: *heavy breathing slowed  "I'm okay, Tweek is going to take me upstairs."

Laura: "Okay, be careful."

Craig and Tweek nodded as they headed to the stairs. They started to make it up but half way up and Craig couldn't breath at all. He stopped and leaned against the wall while Tweek held him. He was trying to catch his breath but couldn't, It's like a panic attack I need him to breath.

Tweek: "Okay hold on Craig, breath in through your nose and out of your mouth."

Craig: *struggled breathing  "I *gasp  can't *gasp"

Tweek: "You have to come on, in *inhale  and out  *exhale"

Craig started to follow along with Tweek and soon he found it easier to breath. He nodded at Tweek and smiled, Tweek smiled back worried. They started up the stairs again and Craig started to struggle breathing again. They were able to make it to Craig's room, Tweek helped him over to his bed and sat him down and Craig focused on trying to breath again but couldn't catch his breath. Thomas finished setting up his oxygen machine next to his bed and turned it on while handing the mask to Craig. He took it frantically and started breathing from the mask. 

Soon he was able to catch his breath, Tweek and Thomas both exhaled in relief.

Thomas: "Okay, we will be downstairs if you need anything and if anything wrong happens please call for us immediately."

Tweek: "Of course Mr. Tucker."

Craig gave a thumbs up while breathing from the mask. Thomas left the room closing Craig's door, Tweek stood in front of Craig anxiously picking at his fingers watching him intently. Craig removed the oxygen mask and turned the machine off. He stood up and grabbed Tweek's hands to stop the anxious picking.

Craig: "I'm okay Tweek, thanks for your help."

Tweek: "I'm just glad you're okay and I can actually do something now."

Craig smiled at him and Tweek smiled back. They stayed like that for what felt like an eternity before the two noticed how close they were getting. The two backed off in a fluster.

Tweek: *flustered  "S-so I should g-go get my sleeping b-bag."

Craig: "Sleeping bag? No, you'll sleep in my bed its a queen size for a reason."

Craig looked at him smugly and Tweek's blushing got worse, he became nothing but a red mess.  

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