Chapter 18

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Next day at school...

Kenny entered the school with Butters at his side. The both of them are still covered in bandages and Kenny's arm will be slinged for at least 4 weeks. As they started walking down the hallway, they were quickly bombarded with students.

Red: "Oh my god Kenny, we heard what happened. Are you alright?"

Kevin: "There was more of you right are they okay?"

Bebe: "Is Clyde okay?"

Question, after question, after question. Butters was starting to become very anxious and scared. He knew people would hear and knew that they would want information from them but it was still too soon for that. It was still too hard for them to face.

Butters squeezed Kenny's unslinged arm. Kenny looked down at him to see him cowering and had his eyes closed tight. 

Kenny: "GUYS! Please, a little space. -- I know that you guys want to know what happened and how everyone is."

I'm sure you guys are actually worried about ours' and theirs' well being.

Kenny: "But we just need some time. When we are better -- we will let you know everything. Alright?"

They all nodded and shuffled away followed by whispers. Kenny grabbed Butters' hand with his good hand and gave it a squeeze. Kenny walked with Butters his locker and dropped him off there. He kissed Butters' cheek and went to his own locker. 

Once he got there and opened it, it was immediately closed. Kenny looked over to who closed it and was met with Wendy. She looked sad and was trying really hard to hold back tears. Kenny didn't know how to feel about what she was displaying. He could tell she wanted to know about Stan, but it didn't add up to him because they had a nasty break up. As much as she supported everyone and their differences at school, she was mad that Stan was gay and she made sure to make him feel sorry about it for 5 years.

Wendy: *shaky breath  "Hey Ken-kenny. I know you want, no, need space but please I just want to know how Stan is."

Kenny: "Why?"

Wendy: "What do you mean why!? He is my friend, and I care about him!"

Kenny: "And yet you haven't shown that for the past 5 years."

Wendy was a bit speechless and scowled at him. She was getting annoyed and Kenny could tell.

Kenny: "Look, I don't really know your angle, but regardless I will tell you. His seat belt got imbedded into his lower spine in the accident. He had surgery and is now recovering. I don't know if he has any nerve damage or anything like that. I won't know until I go see everyone after school."

Wendy let out a shaky breath and let one tear fall down her face.

Wendy: *whispers  "Thank you."

Kenny nodded and reopened his locker. He watched her walk away not sure how to feel about any of that.

Meanwhile at the hospital...

Token left his room on his crutches. He looked around to make sure his parents weren't around, they were starting to get on his nerves sine they were hovering and wouldn't let him go anywhere. He crutched his way over to Clyde's room, all he was thinking about was Clyde.

He entered the room and stood in the door way as he looked at everything in front of him. Clyde laying in the bed with tubes hooked to him and the slight beeping of the heart monitor. Sitting in a chair next to the bed was Roger Donovan, who was holding his son's hand up to his face and whisper crying into it.

As Roger finished what Token now guessed was a prayer, he now noticed Token and stood up.

Roger: *slightly crying  "Hi Token, here, here, come sit. Get off your feet."

He helped Token into the chair he was sitting in. Once sat, Roger took his crutches and leaned them up against the wall behind Token, in reach if he needed them.

Roger: "How are you holding up, son?"

Token: "I was going to ask you that, sir."

Roger: *scoff  "I'm -- I -- *shaky sigh  I need help. It's just me and my son. I have no one else, what will I do if he -- if he."

Token grabs his hand.

Token: *heavy gulp  "No, okay, you can't think like that. Clyde needs you to stay positive. Clyde is going to wake up, he's going to make it and be fine. He's strong, he is one of the strongest, sweetest, most loving person I know. He's going to be fine, and you're not alone. I'm here for you and for him, just like you I won't leave his side."

Token gave him a half smile and squeezed his hand. Roger looked at him and let more tears fall form his face. He gave a small smile back and looked back to his son. 

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