Chapter 20

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Tweek: *crying  "*hic *hic  Pl-ple-please *hic  C-craig, wake up."

Tweek was sitting next to Craig in his hospital room. It as been iconic for Tweek since the third grade that every little real and non-real thing was too much pressure for him, but this WAS too much pressure for him. The love of his life was laying in a bed half alive. There was nothing he could do but watch.

Laura Tucker entered the room with Tweek and wrapped her arms around him. Tweek was slightly startled by the sudden contact. The tears started to flow out of him even harder, if that was even possible. 

Laura: "I know hun, but he is going to wake up. I know it. And when he does,"

Laura moved more in front of him and kneeled down to meet his level.

Laura: "you will tell him that you like him."

She had this very loving smile as she said this to him. He was very taken aback by what she had said. She knows!? She knows I love him!?

Laura: "Yes I know. The way you look at him and how much time you spent at my place. You two would be perfect for each other Tweek, but no pressure."

No pressure? This is all TOO much pressure. She walked around to the other side of Craig and stood over him. She petted his head and caressed his face. 

Laura: *tears dripping  "He will wake up. You hear that Craig? You have to wake up so Tweek can tell you -- he needs you."

Tweek looked at her as more tears started to fall from his face. Yah, he'll wake up. He has to, I don't know what I'll do if he doesn't.

After school...

Kenny exited his truck and made his way toward the hospital entrance. He stepped off the elevator and checked in at the nurses' station. He then slowly walked by each room.

1) Kyle still unconscious with a restless family at his side.

2) Stan was asleep but stable.

3) Clyde still unconscious, no change.  

4) Token awake, walking, sitting with Clyde.

5) Craig unconscious very critical, his family quiet at his side.

And finally Tweek, who was awake and back in his room. His parents are currently out of the room somewhere in the hospital. Kenny knocked on the door frame and Tweek looked over at him slowly. His eyes were puffy and tears slowly rolled down his face. Kenny looked at him with a sad smile and sat down next to him in the chair.

Kenny: "Hi Tweekers."

Tweek: *crying  "Ken-kenny, he-he-he ha-has to be-be o-okay. His mo-om is right, I-I have to tel-tell him..... I love him."

Kenny looked at him sadly. He took Tweek's hand and squeezed it. 

Kenny: "Tweek -- Everyone is freaking and scared. I'm --- I'm scared because I can't do anything but watch the people who have been my life forever and that I love with every fiber of my being be in such  critical conditions. I know you're worried, but we can't be crying and feeling sorry for ourselves and for them. We need to be angry, we need to be strong and have -- faith."

Tweek looked at him intensely as the tears slowed.

Kenny: "We pray, we hold faith, and we don't give up on them. Craig will get better, and when he does -- you tell him exactly how you feel. Okay?"

Tweek wiped the wetness from his face and nodded while giving him a small smile. 

Kenny: "I have been feeling so angry. Who was it? Who made Token swerve?"

Tweek nodded in agreeance. Looking off to the side. Suddenly he got a headache, and things just started flashing back. Stuff that apparently, the crash made him forget. His 12th birthday party, his first coffee, and....

The picture of the senator, he's who was going the wrong way. 

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