Chapter 19

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Stan laid in his bed letting tears fall from his face. His back hurt, ALOT. Even with the pain meds. His parents and Shelly were asleep in the room, but Stan wanted to see Kyle. No one told him how Kyle was and Kyle hadn't come to see him so he knew he wasn't okay. 

Stan grabbed onto the bed sides as hard and quiet as he could. He began to start lifting himself up but got to a point when a surge of pain so powerful shot down his back, through his legs, and down to the tips of his toes. He yelped in pain, very loud. He fell back down and covered his mouth hoping that he didn't wake his parents.

Rustle. Rustle. Rustle.

His family shuffled in their sleep, but luckily for Stan they didn't wake. Stan uncovered his mouth and lip quivered as tears started rolling from his eyes even harder. This isn't fair! I just want to sit up, I just want to see Kyle! He's not dead, please god he can't be dead!

Stan's BP started rising. He was panicking. The pain meds weren't working so he was in pain, he couldn't sit up, and he couldn't see Kyle, all of that was stressing Stan out. The loud, sped up beeping woke his family and caused a cavalry of nurses and the doctor to rush in.

Stan: *panicked breathing 

Doctor: "Stan, Please breath for me okay."

She held an oxygen mask to his mouth but Stan swatted it away. The nurses were checking vitals and pushing some sort of meds.

Sharon: "Stan! Stan honey, what's wrong!"

Nurse 1: "Mrs. Marsh please stand back."

The nurse backed up the Marsh family.

Doctor: "Okay, Okay, what is it Stan!? What's wrong!?"

Stan: *panicked breathing  "P-Please, I-I-I want to-to sit up!"

Doctor: "Okay hun, hold on!"

The doctor and a nurse propped the bed up so he was now sitting up. As they did Stan yelled in pain.

Doctor: "I know, I know. Push a little more morphine. We will ease the pain some more, okay."

Stan nodded, letting her put the mask to his mouth. He took the oxygen mask from the doctor and held it, breathing in heavily. The nurse pushed more pain meds and Stan's BP went back to normal. His panicking stopped and he slowly lowered the oxygen mask as he started to feel tired. 

Stan: *crying  "P-please, I want to know how-how Kyle is? PLEASE *hic  I need to know th-that he is okay."

Doctor: "Oh hun, he --"

Sharon: "He's fine Stan. Don't you worry about him. Kyle is okay."

Sharon went to his side and took his hand. The doctor looked at her with confusion and a little bit of annoyance. How could you lie to him like that. I know you want to make sure your son is okay but that is his friend, he should know.

The whole family was now talking and reassuring Stan. The doctor slowly went to exit the room and before they exited the room completely they turned around. Stan and the doctor locked eyes and the doctor knew exactly what he was thinking. 

Bullshit. He's not fine. 

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