Chapter 25

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Token continued to cry hard into Clyde's hands. Clyde simply looked down at him in sadness, all that guilt. Clyde lifts Token's chin so they are locking eyes, he brings Token's face so that their noses were touching.

Clyde: *whispers  "Token, I know the pain you are feeling. I know that there is nothing that anyone or me could say that would change your mind and remove your guilt. And -- that's okay, it's okay to feel guilty and pain, feel it. But my love, no matter what, this isn't your fault and I'm going to remind you that forever. You think you're bad for me, you are one of the only good things in my life. So Token, I need you to be my strong support you have always been and smile, breath I still need you and my dad still needs you. Please?"

Token squeezed his eyes shut as hard as he could. He heard Clyde but it still hurt. The tears poured from his face as the accident flashed back to him and the condition all his friends were in it was too much.

Clyde: *whispers  "I love you. I love you so much Token."

Token's eyes shot open at his words and he opened them wide. He stared into Clyde's beautiful milk chocolate eyes. They were understanding and caring, he had the cutest smile on his face as he starred into Token's soul. Token's face started to crunch up in sadness as more tears started to flow from his eyes.

Token: *whisper cries  "I-I love you. Please don't leave me again."

Clyde: *giggles  "I promise."

Token slams his lips against Clyde's. They hold their kiss for what felt like an eternity, Clyde moved his hands to wrap around Token and Token cupped Clyde's face with his hands. Eventually they pulled back and they were once again staring into each other. 

Clyde: "I have been waiting forever for you to kiss me."

Token: *giggles

Token backed away and helped Clyde lay back down but so that he was leaned up. Token held onto Clyde's hand as Roger entered the room.

Roger: *gasp  "Clyde!"

He rushed to the other side of Clyde and hugged his son, it was a bit awkward since he was basically laying down.

Roger: *crying  "I was so worried. Are you okay? How are you feeling? Do you need anything?"

Clyde: *giggles  "I'm alright dad, a little tired."

Token: *wipes face  "That's expected. Your body went through trauma and is healing you will be tired here and there. You need rest so you can heal and get the hell out of here, excuse my language."

Roger: *giggles  "No, it's okay, I agree. I'm so glad you're okay. I thought *chokes up  you were going to leave me like your mom."

Clyde: "I'm sorry I worried you. I'm okay really. -- OH, wait, how is everyone else, are they okay?"

Token looked away in sadness and Roger sadly smiled at Clyde.

Clyde *worried "What? What is it!?"

Roger: *sigh  "I'm going to go check in with the doctor and update them on you. Token can tell him."

He smiled at Clyde an squeezed his arm before walking around him and whispering to Token.

Roger: *whispering  "Please take care of him, you make him so happy. Help him through the news."

Roger leans back and Token nods at him. Roger exits the room and leaves the two.

Token: *sigh  "If I tell you, you need to promise me that you won't have a panic attack or die on me."

Clyde looks at him sadly and nods.

Token: "Okay, Kenny dislocated his shoulder but he is fine. Butters had some bruises and a slight concussion but he too is fine. Tweek had a grade 3 concussion and was in bad shape, he eventually got better and has no permanent damage. Stan -- got the metal part of the seat belt imbedded into his spine, he healed but he still has immense pain and -- he is not okay mentally right now. The reason is Kyle, Kyle is in critical condition. He got impaled by the metal frame of the car so he is in rough shape. And -- finally -- Craig, -- you promise you won't freak on me if I tell you?"

Clyde: *agitated worry  "Yes, please what's wrong with Craig!?"

Craig is Clyde's best friend, they live next door to each other and were basically brothers. This news will be hard for him.

Token: *sigh  "His lungs are failing. He got crushed by the car and he too was impaled by the metal frame. He is in very critical condition, they are doing everything they can for him but -- it doesn't look -- good."

Clyde sat there just staring at Token. He couldn't read Clyde's face, it was a mixture of panic, pain, and sadness. Clyde gulped hard and looked away and down. His eyes began to water and a tear fell from his cheek. Clyde wiped it away quickly and sniffled.

Clyde: *shaky voice  "That's okay, he'll be okay. Craig is the toughest person we know right? He will get better and wake up and and and we will all laugh about this."

Token looked at him sadly. He stood up making sure to keep pressure off his broken leg. He looked at Clyde and Clyde stared back at him. Token motioned with his eyes to scoot over. Clyde looked down and scooted over very carefully. Token carefully sat down and swung his leg over onto the bed. He brought the other one back up and brought Clyde into his body. He hugged him and started petting his head. 

Clyde started crying as he let the tears fall without a sound. The room was silent, beside the beeping from the heart monitor and the occasional sniffle from Clyde. Soon enough, Clyde fell asleep on Token while he kept petting his head. Roger reentered the room and smiled. He sat down in the chair on Clyde's left side and just watched the two as Token fell asleep. 

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