Chapter 64- They're here

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Hours later

Peri's POV

It's midnight, I'm still in labour, I can't sleep. I was told about an hour ago I was 5cm dilated. Lucy has gone home because it's way past her bed time and Ty refuses to leave my side. "Just go home and get some rest Ty. I'll be fine." I say. "No. I'm not letting you go through this on your own. And I don't want to miss the arrival of our baby girl." He said, holding my hand. The midwives took another pregnant woman out of the room. I groaned.

Adam and Alesa came in a minute later with a pink card and balloon. "Are we a bit early?" Alesa asks. I shrugged. "What's wrong?" Adam asked. I groaned again, "Five woman have come through here. They have had five Babies! And I have had no babies!" I say, very annoyed. "I don't get it why won't she come out?" I asked, not sure who I was aiming the question at out of the three people surrounding me. "Maybe you made such a great home for her these past 9 months, she doesn't want to leave." Ty said. I looked at him, "aww, look at you making up crap for me." I say. Ty laughed. "I can see her hormones are kicking in." Alesa said. Ty nodded. "Adam, we'll leave them for a bit, we'll get a drink and something to eat since its like half twelve at night." Alesa said, walking with Adam out of the room.

"Ow! Ty!" I said as I could feel more pain. "It's ok." He said, he couldn't comfort me that much since he has no idea what I'm going through. The midwife came in and checked a few things as another wave of pain rushed over. "Please do something! I can't handle this any longer!" I say.

Ty's POV

Once Peri said that, the nurse looked up and smiled at us. "Actually...I think you're ready to go to the delivery room." She said, checking again. "What?" "10 centimetres. You're about to become a mum." The midwife said. "Ok.." Peri said. It was a lot to take in. I was scared and excited at the same time. I helped her get out of bed. She slid her legs out carefully and stood up just as another pregnant woman came in, "Haha! Beat ya sucker!!!" Peri said out of no where. I apologised and blamed it on her hormones.

We got taken through to a room, and Peri was layed out on the bed with her hospital gown. They propped up her legs and gave her this inhaler. "Ok. This will start the contractions." The midwife said. Peri started to breath in the gas. "Ok. Your first contraction should be in about 10 seconds. It's only a weak one but it'll sting a little." She said. Putting on some gloves. I clung onto her hand. "Ok.....AAAAAHHHH!" She suddenly screamed, kicking out. She breathed deeply. "Peri. We need you to keep your legs still for us to do this." The midwife said, bringing her leg back where it was. "I'm sorry." "It's ok. The next contraction will be soon. It'll last a second and the ones after this will last a little longer." I clutched her hand, preparing to be deafened again.

It was painful, hearing her scream in agony. I tried to calm her but I know nothing of how much pain she's in. "Excuse me? Mr Ellis. We need you to help us out here." The midwife said. "Ok. " "So, we prop up her leg again. It's a reflex it happens with most women. But we need you to wrap your arm round her leg like that...and try to stop her from kicking out." I nodded. A bit of a weird position but we weren't thinking out that. "Next contraction in in 20 seconds. Prepare yourselves this is when you need to start pushing." She said. "Peri looked at me. "Ty... I can't." "Yes, you can. You are a strong person, trust me you have been through way harder stuff than this. Just try your best and think about the reward afterwards." I say. (Very inspiring, Deadlox)

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