Chapter 77- Nandos!

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A/N: I'm back! It's ok! I didn't die! I know it's been a long time but I haven't had much drama for the rest of this book so yes, I know it's sad, but this book is coming to an end. HOWEVER, before you run away, lock yourself in your room and cry, I AM making a sequel to this. I have a plot and everything! If you want to be part of the sequel, you are very welcome to tell me via the comment section or through private message. Right, now that's cleared up. On with the story!

Alesa's POV

"Where are they? They said they landed two hours ago!" I said. Adam shrugged,"Maybe the luggage was delayed." I sighed impatiently. "I hope they're ok" I said. I started to get tired and dizzy. "Adam, I'm going to sit down" "Nausea?" I nodded. I was about a month pregnant with my second child. The others didn't know yet. I had found out over the last week. One thing I won't get over this the nausea. I was about to turn around to sit on a bench a few yards away when I saw two figures rushing towards us. One was male and had a suitcase in one arm ,a pram was tucked under that arm, another tucked under his other and another large suitcase dragging behind him. The other person was female and had hold of two car seats with a bag over her shoulder. Ty and Peri ran towards us, they were completely out of breath! "We are so sorry!" Peri said between breaths. "The queue was a nightmare and it isn't easy getting organised with two children in need of constant attention!" Ty said. Adam laughed, holding Mason who sat on his shoulders holding onto the top of his dad's head. I help with the suitcases. Adam helped Ty out with a pram so Ty could get hold of one of the kids, stopping Peri from completely collapsing trying to withstand the weight. 

"Mason, look who it is!" Adam said in an excited tone, Mason giggled as he saw the two girls squirming in their car seats. "I'm surprised they still fit in those! Are you sure they're one?" Peri laughed, "I know, it's pretty strange, I'm guessing they are just small for their age." I nodded. We got to the car, We put in the suitcases and Prams and jumped into the car. The two of them were pretty distracted by their children. "What's up?" Adam asked. "The two of them were ok on the plane but they were showing signs of very mild travel sickness. This car ride might trigger it since  they've only just come off the plane." "Ah, right". The car seats were balanced on their knees. "Just thought you should know, I may need one of those car seats in a few months time!" I called to the back seats. Ty and Peri looked at me. "Are you serious?" Ty asked. "Congratulations! Omigod another baby!" "Yep!" Adam was smiling. I looked at Mason who was confused out the entire ordeal. 

Peri's POV

The others were waiting in the hotel lobby. "Ty, please tell us you know where the Pax building is." Quentin said. "It's ok, I got it." We took the lift to the rooms where we put down everything. We both collapsed on the bed, Fallon and Cerys who had since become pro crawlers managed to get onto the bed with us. "Hopefully we won't see any trouble this week." Ty said, holding Fallon over him, she laughed as he gave her the illusion of flying. I did the same to Cerys. "They're getting heavier now." I commented. "Yes, they are." We sat up and started to unpack, we put the two girls in the cots for now. They sat and watched. Once that was ready it was evening so everyone decided to visit Nando's for dinner. We clicked the car seats into the prams, (probably don't exist but it seems useful) after that, we got to the lobby. Everyone was waiting, Mason was holding Alesa's hand. After noticing him, "Muuuuuma!" Fallon squealed. She really wanted to walk to Nandos like Mason was. "Not yet, sweetie" (Classic mum language). We got to our table which was very big but Ian and Maddy couldn't make it this time. 

The prams were stuck in the corner and the three kids were placed in high chairs. "Is it just me or are Pixie and Poofy very similar in appearance. "Oh not this again!" I exclaimed. Jerome was now squinting and Mitch was staring. "I'd rather not be surveillanced when I eat, thank you." Ashley said. She was sitting opposite me. "You still alright for that video tomorrow?" Ashley looked at me. I nodded at her. "What video?" Ty asked, "Another tutorial." "Let me guess in three words, Changing Hair Again?" He smirked at me. "You got it hubby!" "Don't say that. No one says that." "I do." "Of course you do!" "For God's sake, woman! Keep it Green! Stop changing your hair colour constantly! Honestly, soon you'll confuse your kids so much they won't even recognise you anymore." I laughed at Mitch's rant. "I can't stay Pixie forever, you know that right." "YES YOU CAN." 

"Now now, Mitch, we know you like her hair when it's green but it's her hair." Jerome said, Mitch sniffed as if crying. "It's not fair." "Wow. Never thought I'd see someone get so emotionally attached to a hair colour" Adam huffed. "What colour this time?" "I don't know, how about Mitch chooses since he's upset." All eyes turned to him. "Well?" "Green." He said, still sulking, Jess placed her arm around him. "Cheer up. Come on, a different colour Mitch." He looked at me and smirked. "Pink." I heard Ty almost choke on his food from laughing. "Like Peri would ever do that." He said. "What kind of pink?" I narrowed my eyes at him but still seemed to be frozen on the spot. "Not a hot pink or dark cherry blossom. A nice sugar pink, or pastel pink may be better." "No." "Hey! You said I could choose!" He looked at me with all seriousness. "There is no way I am dying my hair a light pink. You know I hate that colour." "Then why do you let your daughters where it and carry it around." "Because they're small and innocent." Mitch chuckled again. "So are you " I yet again narrowed my eyes at him.

"Ashley! Alesa!" "No, I think you should go pink." They replied. "What?!" "You'd suit it and I'll dye my hair purple, we can be like sisters." Ashley suggested. "Why can't I go purple?" "Just go pink, let us see what it looks like and if the fans don't like it, by all means, go ahead and change it." I finished my meal and sighed. "Fiiinne" I said. Ty looked amazed. "Now I was NOT expecting that." He laughed as we put the two girls to bed. "Neither was I, I guess life is full of surprises. Good and Bad." I said miserably. "What's wrong?" Ty asked, noticing my sudden emotion drop. "I bring too many bad surprises to you." "One big surprise on my life made up for all of that." "What? Your job?" "Nope. That surprise was you. You were a good surprise that came into my life and I wouldn't trade one hour with you for all the money in the world. You also brought two other nice little surprises." I smiled at him. Honestly,he can be too sweet for words. 

Pax the next day was extremely busy, so many people flooded near the booths. The twins were loving the attention. Me and Ty would move them around, swapping every now and again, I kept each one close, I will NEVER lose them again. Of course the fans were willing to look and coo and hold them, at the moment, holding was too far. "I'm very sorry but at the moment, I don't think me or Ty are comfortable with people holding them, we've been through so much, you wouldn't believe!" The fan laughed and nodded. "She has your eyes and lips but Ty's chin and hair." "Mmhmm. Wouldn't prefer her any other way." Obviously, we had to leave early during that day, one, because the twins will cause a ruckus after a while and two, me and Ashley needed to get on with our hair.

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