Chapter 39- Stuck

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Ty's POV

Peri's been acting very strangely around me lately. She often stammers when we talk and is taking a lot of care. "Peri?" I say while we were getting changed. "Mm?" She replied quietly. "You've been acting strangely since last Tuesday, is there something wrong?" She shook her head and sat next to me, "w-why do you think that?" She asked. "You've been getting more nervous and taking a bit more care."

She looked down at the floor,"no I'm fine. I guess I'm just taken aback by the fact I'm 20 tomorrow" I laughed and put my arm round her, "is that all?" "I don't like being I'll." She said. I laughed even more. " is th morning sickness going?" "Beautiful. I'm throwing up every single morning now." We were walking downstairs now.

Peri's POV

Alesa sat next to me at the table and whispers, "Have you told him yet?". I shake my head. How am I supposed to tell Ty? Alesa downloaded an app on my phone to tell me when I was due and also I long I was in. I was two weeks in. Not much I know.

I sat outside after breakfast, I leant over resting my forehead on the palms of my hands. Jerome came up to me, "Hey Pixie...what's wrong?" He said as he noticed my misery. "Nothing." "Pixie, I know you better than that, what's wrong?" I shook my head. "I really shouldn't tell you..." He lAughed. "Well now you have to tell me.". "Tell you what? Peri are you Ok?" Alanna came up and sat otherwise other side of me.

Sighing I mumbled the words, "I'm pregnant..." "What was that? I didn't hear." "I'm pregnant" I say in a tiny voice. They both froze and looked at each other, then back at me. "You can't be positive." Alanna said. "Yes I can, I took three tests last Tuesday. They were all positive." I replied. "Congratulations! We're so happy for you. Wait.. just to be clear, it is Ty's baby, right?" Jerome asked. "Yeah, Ty is definately the father." "Well then why are you so miserable?" He asked. "How am I going to tell Ty? He probably doesn't want a baby. He probably isn't ready for one. He'll leave me if that's the case." I say suddenly bursting into tears.

Alanna went to get a tissue, Jerome stayed with his arm around me for comfort. "You can't not tell him,Peri. He has to know. It's better you tell him sooner or he will find out by the bump or when you'll surprise him when in labour. I shook my head. Jerome was right, it would be better if Ty found out sooner. But how was I going to bring myself up to telling him. "Who knows right now?" He asked. "Just you, Alanna and Alesa." "Ok well I suggest a first step would be to tell your foster mother, Joy."

"No, I can't!" "Yes you can and you have to." Alanna said. "I'll come with you, we both will." She said taking hold of jeromeasf hand, pulling him to his feet. We walked through the house to the living room where Joy was talking to Ty, Adam, Alesa and Jason. I walked in. "Mum. I need to talk to you." I said in Thai. "Ok." She replied getting up. We walked into the garage, "Mum, something's come up. And I need help but also need to tell you something." I say, still talking in Thai.

The reason for this was if anyone, including Thai had their ears pressed against the door listening in, they wouldn't understand a word I was saying. "What do you need to tell me?" She asked. " you know I have been sick lately and have admitted I've been gaining quite a bit of weight. Alesa came to the conclusion that I was...Pregnant. We took a few tests and all of them came out positive."

Joy looked shocked for a moment before relaxing a bit. "So...I'm having a grandchild?" She says slowly, tears welling in her eyes. "Mum! I'm sorry, we should have been more careful. But I'm not getting an abortion that goes completely against everything I'm for." I say quickly. "No Ketaya, I'm happy. I've been waiting for today. I really wanted grandchildren but when I tried to have kids...I couldn't so I adopted. I was looking around, I wanted a girl, a very cultured young lady who had seen quite a bit of the world. That's when I saw you, you were only 10. I was patient though. Happiness comes with patience. I was so happy I got you. By the time you were 15 my friends said that if you didn't find a man I would have to arrange a marriage. That is what they had done with their daughters. I didn't want be cruel. I didn't arrange any marriages. When you moved I thought it would give you the chance to find a nice man to take care of you. And you have which I'm very happy about." She said Softly. Very touched by this story we carried on chatting before going back inside.

I nodded at Jerome. He smiled and gave me the thumbs up sign.

Ty's POV

I can't help feeling very jealous. Lately, Peri has been very quiet. She's becoming very close to Jerome. I kept it in smiling during the day but that night, I broke. Something snapped.

"So what's going on with you and Jerome?" I ask sounding a little colder than I intended. "Nothing he's just helping me out, which is nice." She said getting a little worried. "You haven't been talking to me Peri, something's clearly wrong and your not telling me." I start to raise my voice. "Look, I'm under pressure right now. It's nice to see him actually helping me out, he normally stays out of things."

"Well I wish he would stay out of our business! Last time I checked I was your fiance, your future husband, the one you loved, but clearly I'm wrong." I say. "Ty, Don't be like that, we both know I love you more than words can say, now please calm down." "No! I won't fucking calm down until you tell me what the blazers is going on!" I shouted. "I...I can't tell you!" She said. "Well, I guess I'm not the one for you then!" I scream, leaving the room and slamming the door behind me.

I know I shouldn't have kicked off like that. I'm just really paranoid. I love Peri and I'll do anything to keep her, but it hurts to know she's probably cheating on me. I sat in the lounge, Adam and Alesa came running, "what's going on? We heard shouting!" Adam said. "I've just gone into Peri's room, she's crying her eyes out, begging for everyone to leave her alone." Alesa said. "Ty?" They said simultaneously. "Yeah, well we've just had a fight." I say slowly, concentrating on the TV, I couldn't understand a word the people were saying. Adam turned off the TV, "Ty, talk to us. What's going on with you and Peri?" He said crossing his arms. "She's been getting close to Jerome, too close. I'm paranoid ok?" I answer. " That doesn't mean anything. Think about it, would Jerome do such a thing to Alanna?" Alesa asked me. Ok. That would make sense. Jerome would never do that to Alanna. "No. But she's hiding something, Alesa. She won't tell me." "Yeah, well she's trying to work up the courage to tell you. You'll have to be patient. However for the time being, get your butt up there, apologise and make up." Adam said.

I ran upstairs, slowly ducking into our room. Peri was in bed fast asleep, by looking at her face, she must have cried herself to sleep. Why am I such an idiot? I get changed for bed and make my way to the other side of the bed but in the process trip over the wastepaper basket. I turn the light on and start refilling the thing, that was when I saw it. I picked up the wrapper. 'First response Pregnancy test?' I read out loud. I dug further and picked up an actual test that must have come from the box. I picket it up and examined it.


Yes. +


I looked at the test reading the word twice. A positive pregnancy test...that could only Peri...Pregnant. I stuck the test back into the wastepaper basket, turned off the light and crawled into bed beside Peri. I cuddled up to her, putting my arm round her. Knowing she was asleep, felt her stomach (stop it). No bump. Maybe she wasn't. But it would explain her morning sickness and anxiety around me a lot though. Then I realised, I was missing the obvious point. If Peri was pregnant, then that could only mean I was the father. I smiled in the dark at the thought. I was going to be a dad. So that was what Peri was trying to tell me. I leant over and whispered, "Peri, I love you. I'm really sorry about earlier. I hate the fact that I have hurt you. Please forgive me." A few seconds later I heard a small " I forgive you." I smiled, cuddled her closer and fell asleep.

A/N: This bit is probably going to be very cheesy.

I'm going to be a dad. I can't believe it. I'm so happy right now. Peri is going to give birth to my child, she's going to be the mommy and I'm going to be the daddy. Wow. A little boy or a little girl. I think a girl will be nice, most men want boys but thought of a tiny, gentle daughter in my arms is something that has always made me smile.

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