Chapter 46- Unexpected Help

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Ty's POV

The police had an idea how to find Peri. They talked to Jocelyn since she had taken Peri before. They came back disappointed. "She won't say anything to us." They said. I sat down on the couch, "Perhaps we drive you to the prison now, see if you can get a word out of her?" The policeman said. I looked up my eyes growing wide. "No...No!"

"Ty, you have to!" Adam said. "Jocelyn tried to kill Peri three times! I don't exactly want to talk to her l." "We know, but you want Peri back, don't you?" This question got me. I didn't want to talk to Jocelyn, but I wanted to find Peri and bring her back. I wanted her to be back so badly. "Fine." I nodded at the policemen and followed them to the car.

The prison was not as I expected. I expected a prison to be dark and damp with rats everywhere. This place was light and clean. The walls were painted grey. I sat at the booth and waited. Once again she was brought out, her raven black hair was quite messy. "Well, look who finally decided to come for me." "I'm not here to free you. I'm here because... I need your help. "

"Why would I help you if it's to do with that bitch?" She said folding her arms. "Please, Jocelyn. Just tell us." "I would. But as you may see, I was in prison at the time. So what can I help you with?" She said, raising her eyebrows. "You took her before, if you were to steal her again. Where would you hide her?" "If I kept her alive. I would take her and keep her somewhere there is no chance anyone or anything would find her."

I clenched my fists. "Stop playing, Jocelyn. We don't have much time. We should have a week but the time is limited because-" I stopped myself. "Because..." "just give me a better explanation." "No...why is your time limited?" She asked. I sighed and mumbled loud enough for her to hear. "Because she's pregnant." Jocelyn frowned angrily. "Now tell me." "No. That slag can rot in hell for all I care." She called for the warden who led her out.

After telling the police in the car ride they said they would be at the station, trying to puzzle out the information Jocelyn had given. I lay on my bed looking blankly at the ceiling, thinking about what Jocelyn had said. Somewhere none of us would think of looking. "Ty?" Jason walked into the room. "Get out and leave me alone." "I came to apologise." "How is an apology going to resolve this? Will saying sorry magically teleport Peri back? Will saying sorry erase what you have done?" He stayed silent. "No! No it really won't!"

"I'm sorry. How would you feel if I had a girlfriend that was on the brink of being abducted an you had the guy planning to, threaten to kill Lucy if you don't oblige?" "Don't bring Lucy into this!" I shoved him out of the room and slammed shut the door. I sat in my desk chair. If Peri was dead when it was time to head back to Arizona, what would Jordan and Isaac and Bethany and Cierra say?

Little Lucy would be heart broken, Ever since they met, Peri was so good to Lucy, playing with her and looking after her. Lucy's face had lit up when I had told her I was getting married to Peri. ...somewhere We wouldn't think of looking. Come on! Come on! Think! Think! Come on Ty! Where would you never think of looking for a missing person. Then it hit me. Somewhere she would be easily found by the person who hid her if they forgot.

Jao would never kill Peri, he wants to keep her after all. Somewhere he would easily find her but we wouldn't. I paced around again and again. Pushing myself to crack the puzzle. "Adam! Alesa! Everyone!" I shout, running downstairs. I found them lazing in the kitchen. I told them all what I had thought of. "Don't you see? Jao has hidden Peri here! She's on this property! It all make so much sense now!" They all followed on and called the police.

Mitch' s POV

The search that went on for the next few hours was unbelievable. The police were all around the house. I clutched Jess as they looked in every single place a human would be. Jason disappeared after 2 hours. We all went outside looking for him. When we got to the watershed. The door was locked and water was flooding out though the gap underneath the door.

"Jason! Don't do anything stupid!" Adam shouted. The police kicks the door in and rushed inside. Jason was standing in the middle of the room, facing away from us. "Jason?" He turned around slowly with a blank face. "What?" "We thought you were commuting suicide then." Adam said. "No. Don't be stupid. Do you guys seriously not hear that?" He said questionably. "Hear what. It sounds like a girl screaming. I was outside before and heard it. It's in here somewhere. I have looked all over, there's nothing here.

We all fell silent. Yes! A noise. It was a girl screaming. The place was still flooding the pressure valves on the tanks had come loose. "Jerome! Quick, help me close the valve and stop the flooding." I say and start closing each valve. Jerome shuts all the valves on the other side. The water was draining quickly and the girl still screamed. "'s Peri! That's her scream! Peri where are you?!" Ty called out desperately.

"Officer, look!" One policeman said to another. They opened the grid beneath them and one of them leapt into the hole.

Ty's POV

They opened the grid I had fallen on yesterday. I looked in and gasped as I saw the girl that had been missing for two days. She was still screaming. A policeman leapt in the hole be for I could he picked her up and handed her to the other policeman who removed a gag that hung loosely from her neck, then untied her hands. I didn't stand still any longer. I ran up to her and held her tightly allowing her to wrap her arms around me and cry into my shoulder.

Her voice was hoarse and shaky, she was sodden all over, her red hair drooping like seaweed past her shoulders. Her clothes were darker and clung to her pale body. Alanna brought a towel and I gently wrapped it around Peri. Almost crying myself. I was crying, tears of joy. She was back with me, in one piece and alive. The question was, is the baby still alive? I didn't think about that yet. The police left confirming she was ok. They suggested she take a warm bath to rise her body temperature and get some sleep.

I picked Peri up, she still had her face buried into my shirt. She wasn't crying as much now. My shirt was not just wet with her tears, her clothes had made mine rather damp. I set her on the bed. I changed my shirt and and ran a bath. As it was running. I sat down next to Peri on the bed. I held onto her again. "I'm so glad you're back." I say. "I thought I was going to die." She said hoarsely, she had screamed so much she was looking her voice. "You're still alive though. And you're back with me. Safe." I say. I get up and stop the running water. She stays in for a while before entering our room again with dried hair and fresh clothes on.

Jess brought up some soup, "is she ok?" "Yes, she's fine. She has calmed down a lot." I say, taking the the tray. As Peri ate, she kept on nervously looking down at her stomach. "What do you think?" I asked.

"I honestly don't know anymore..."

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