Chapter 79- Our future

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Becca's POV

This should do it. I picked out a small skirt from my suitcase and pulled it on, checking my reflection before slipping on some shoes. New hair-bleached, lip enhancers, 7 ribs removed so I'm much skinnier and breast enlargements, there is no way he is going to say no this time. I briskly made my way up to the hotel room, number 334. I know because  that is where Jerome called last night. Ok Becky. I knocked on the door, hitched up my skirt a little more and pushed out my chest. The door opened and there he stood, a lot taller and even more masculine since when I last saw him. He raised his eyebrow. "Uhh, can I help you?" I smiled at him, "Do you remember me?" I asked. "N-not really. Should I...?" He asked, looking more confused than ever. How adorable. "It won't matter." I step forward. My face just inches from him. He looked at me weirdly before a oddly high pitched squeal came from the room. Ty bent down and picked what turned out to be a small child, a girl. She had soft brown hair tied into two bunchies with red bobbles and a small yellow onesie, she clung to Ty's neck with a pacifier in her mouth. "Sorry, maybe you'd like to go to the booth later, I'm not really available for signing right now." "What's with the child?" He looked down at the child and grinned, "This little bundle of joy is my baby daughter. She's just over one and a half years old." I froze. Daughter. I forced a grin, "she has her dad's nose." I said before walking away. All I could think was: When did that happen? How? What? Who?

Ty's POV

After that weird encounter, I walked back into the room, Peri had just finished getting Cerys changed into a miniscule pink t-shirt with small white leggings and some sparkly pink trainers. I did the same to Fallon who had escaped from Peri and I had to stop her from leaving the hotel room. "We'll start teaching them to walk, ok?" She nodded happily.  We arrived very early at the auditorium, and we proceeded until half an hour later. By this time both girls were able to stand now but Fallon could only take a step or two before falling and Cerys refused to move, just plonking down on the floor again and looking innocently at me which made us both laugh. "We'll get there one day " I said, kissing Peri's head and snaking my arms around her waist just as she straightened up from putting the girls back in their prams.

After wrapping her arms around my shoulders, she looked deep into my eyes and I gazed into hers, losing myself almost instantly. I remembered back to when I first saw her on that Skype call, how I couldn't take my eyes off her. Same at school and PAX. I haven't just fallen in love with her looks or her personality. I've also fallen in love with her eyes, full of optimism, adventurousness, and when she looked at me, pure love. I noticed that when she looked at our daughters as well. I leaned in now and kissed her like it was the first time, closing my eyes, allowing us to forget the world around us. That was until I heard someone clear they're throat behind Peri. I slowly and gently pulled away from her and with us still in each others arms, looked at Adam. "I'm sorry, but the fans are going to be here soon and I don't think that is going to be a popular attraction. Peri shook her head and went to her booth where her siblings stood smirking.

Another successful full day at PAX, I didn't think the twins could stand that amount of time not playing. But to be fair the fans have given them some attention as well as us. Adam has also watched over them and tried to keep them happy. I didn't see that girl again until me and Peri were walking into the lobby of the hotel again. She had the same skimpy clothes she had on this morning. "Do you need that thing signing now?" I asked. The girl came over and handed me a poster which I guessed she had bought online. As I signed, I saw her shoot Peri looks of disgust. I handed her back the poster. I'm happy to sign things for fans but please don't look at my wife like that. "Wife? So when did you pick this one up?" She looked at Peri and the raised her eyebrow when she saw one of the bracelets on Peri's wrist. "You're still with HER?" She asked. I saw the bracelet she was referring to. Oh. Now I know who she was. "Wait a minute...Becca? That annoying girl from the jewellers? That one Peri owned back at the restaurant?" "Annoying?! I'll tell you who's annoying! That little bitch you have for a wife, I was sure you had left her, all she does is cling on to you, live off of everything you do! All she wants is your money, your food, your house!" 

That's it. I clenched my fists, glaring at her. "No one- talks about MY wife like that! I'll have you know the reason I stay by her side at ALL times is because I understand all the SHIT she has been through! I've seen it all, and I won't leave her, I keep her safe unlike some people, and to think that someone like you can top her, it sickens me!" "Ty! Calm down!" Peri said, grabbing my shoulder. "But she-" "Don't rise to it." I exhaled before smiling at Peri and straightened up again. "I hope we don't meet again, I will ask you to stay away from us." With that, we took our children and just walked away. It was our last day at PAX tomorrow, I enjoy the events but people like that need to be sorted out. 

When the children were put in their cribs, Peri collapsed onto the couch next to me. "Thank you for agreeing with me earlier." "I don't want you hurt or worried." "Everyone experiences that now and again but hurting Becca would have not made a good impact on your reputation." "True. " We turned on the TV, watching the news. Nothing seemed to concern us, Peri had not been charged for killing Jocelyn the police still thought it was Jao, considering she was also a offender, they didn't go too deep into the case. Peri Isn't a killer, not ruthless like Jao and Jocelyn were, Peri had something neither of them did. A family to protect.

Looking ahead now, I had all I needed. Peri, the twins, ny family, my friends. As long as those stay in my life, I am definitely looking at a bright and happy future.

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