Chapter 25- On way back.

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Monique's POV

I couldn't bare to see my brother like that. I drove to the hospital with him and rushed through the ward. Two nurses were folding up the bed. "You want something?" One of the nurses asked. "Where is Peri Frye?" Frye, haven't heard that name in a while. "She went home earlier." Another nurse said. We rushed back to my car and went to the Frye's house.

Ty's POV

We rang the bell. Bethany answered the door. She beckoned us in. I followed her. We walked through the house to the lounge. Sitting on the couch with Dark Cherry hair was an attractive teen. My attractive teen. She looked up and saw me and beamed at us. I walked over to her, aware she had only just come out of hospital. The cut on her face barely visible. I hugged her and sat down next to her. "So this is the new girlfriend?" Asked Monique. "Monique this is Peri. Peri this is Monique. "Hey" Monique said. "Hi there." Peri answered. After a while Monique left but I stayed. The others were unpacking and clearing out the house so I thought I would take Peri to mine. To keep her out the way.

The others were fine with it. I carefully picked her up and carried her home. I sat her on the couch. I looked into her eyes. And looking back was my girlfriend. That gleam of fun and cheerfulness had come back. It seemed to shine brighter than ever. I pulled her top up so her stomach showed-only her stomach. And all that was there was a little cut, nothing like the big wound she had started out with.

I got my phone and started a vlog. "Hey guys what's up? It's me Deadlox and a vlog. I know I haven't posted a video in a while and that is because I was in hospital. I had a very high pulse rate but everything's ok now. Peri was also there. She was brutally attacked and left her with cuts and wounds but she recovered and she's almost back on her feet." I said pointing the camera at her. She waved smiling. "Hiii" she said. We mucked around a bit then I finished recording.


Me and Peri had been dating for a year now, she had completely healed and... yeah. I have never been happier in my life. Me and Peri get along so well and I decided to ask her to move In with me. My house is smallish but I can squeeze her in. I got her on her own. We are both 19 now. Peri is graduating as a vet and already has a job. She started last week, it is late January.

"Peri?" "Yeah?" "I have something to ask you." "Yes?" "I was wondering. Do you want to move in with me?" I ask. She looked up from her laptop. "Your serious?" she said looking at me. "No I'm Ty but yeah." "Sure!" She said. Smiling. So yes, I've never been happier. I have a great job that pays, I have great friends and an amazing girlfriend.

Peri's POV

I went over to Ty's place so I could do my work in peace. He recorded for a while, then ended the recording. By then I was in the kitchen sorting my stuff out for the Vets I work in. I am a Nurse and Surgeon there and am hoping after a while to stop up my own business. He came in and made us both some tea. (Yeah, you can tell I'm british) I sipped while I kept my eyes glued to the documents.

I rubbed my forehead, this was the hundreth time I had been stuck with something. I took another sip then kept on typeing. I didn't notice Ty reading what I was writing from behind my shoulder. "That's great babe!" He said. "Thanks" I said not looking at him, concentrating. "Peri?" "Yes?" I need to ask you something," He said. "Yes?" "I waswondering if you wanted to move in with me?" I froze and looked up, there was no smile on his face, no sign he was teasing me." "Your serious?" I asked. "No, I'm Ty nut yeah." I laughed at this joke and replied with "sure" and smiled at him. By now I had finished everything and was packing away my laptop and notes and stuff.

I was about to leave when Ty's bell rang. I went with him to the door. His family stood there. Did I forget to mention I have never seen Ty's family and they've never seen me? Yeah it was awkward. I went back to the kitchen and got my laptop bag. "Mum! Dad! Hi!" "It's been a while Tyler!" I heard his mum say." I heard them coming in. I turned around and before me I saw monique with a tall woman with dark hair and a man with dark hair. Ty's Parents and a girl was hanging on to Ty's hand.

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