Chapter 55- Again?

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Peri's POV

Well, it's been 9 months since the wedding, Me and Ty are now 22 and Adam and Alesa are caring for their new born, Tyler Eric Dahlberg. Things are great. Lillie-Mae is now 1 years old. It's strange, everyone around us is having kids and nowadays Ty looks at me every now then as if pleading and is very quiet, especially at Alesa's baby shower and at the hospital.

We were having dinner at a restaurant and Ty spoke up but very quietly. "Peri?" "Mm?" He gave me that look again. "I don't mean to sound disrespectful to you or Saul but..." He started, he didn't need to say anything else. "You want to try again for a child?" I ask. He nodded, looking nervously at me. "I...I don't know. I'll think about it." I say. "Ok." He replied, brightening up a little.

We came home and got ready for bed. He sat in his study for a bit while I showered. I thought about it. Should we try again? What if last time's events repeat? After thinking, I decided to accept, I came out the shower. "Ty?" "Yeah?" He called back. "Come here a sec!" I heard his brisk footsteps approach. He came in rubbing his eyes sleepily.

Ty's POV

I walked in, rubbing my eyes sleepily. All I can think about is what Peri will decide. We both know I want to try for another child, I managed to find the courage to ask her and she's thinking about it. She gave me a look now. "You know what." She started. "I think it's time we tried again." She finished. I was speechless but ran up and hugged her, "Thank you, Thank you, Thank you!!!" I yell.

I hear her laugh softly before laying down. We both were tired and decided to try over the next few weeks. Last time we were a bit young but we're older now. I'm sure no one will have that much of a problem this time.

(Another Time skip to a week later)

Peri's POV

I opened my eyes and rolled over, feeling rather odd. I moved again and again. Soon I was shuffling to the bathroom, I was there a while before Ty had woken up and found me. I was on the floor and quite pale, I felt like utter crap. He helped me up and got me cleaned up. "Feeling better?" He asked. I nodded and got dressed, then smiled.

I left the house and went into town, stopping to talk to people here and there. I went into the chemist and bought three things I hadn't see in a while. Pregnancy tests. I came home and went to the bathroom and hid them in a cupboard. Later in the day, I opened one and went through the process. After waiting I looked at the test.


+ Positive


Ty's POV

"TY!!!! COME HERE, QUICK!" I heard Peri yell. I was up the stairs in a flash. "What is it? What's Wrong?" I ask, thinking she'd hurt herself. She held up something, the end had been cut off, I took it and observed it. I dropped it and kissed her. I couldn't say anything, I just smiled. She was pregnant again, I was going to have another shot at being a father!

So the next few days were busy. We went to Jordan and that's house. Ellie, his girlfriend was there. "Jordan!" She screamed as she came in. We all sat in the living room, "ok so, explain why you have just kicked our door in and tell us this amazing, fantastical news." Bethany said, arms folded. "Well...I had to tell you this news, I couldn't find my key so I used my foot instead." She laughed. "Works like a charm." She said. "Ok and the news?"

Cierra' s POV

They seemed so much happier than ever, and I started to think aabout asking if there was a chance Peri was pregnant again. I shied away of course, that had hit them hard and I didn't want to ruin their moment of happiness. "I'm having a baby." She said. Me and Issac were thrilled, almost bringing the house to the ground with our screams of delight. Jordan wasn't angry, he hugged his sister and congratulated her and his brother in law on the pregnancy. Ellie, still shocked by the outburst congratulated them as well. We treat her like part of the family and she treats us like we are her family.

"I want a niece!" I yell. "I want a nephew!" Issac shouts. "Calm down and no one gets to decide, it's all by chance." Bethany said shaking her head. "Well I want a daughter." Ty said, wrapping his arms around Peri. "Oh I'm sorry, are you suddenly Henry the Eighth?" She so looking at him. "Yep. Give me daughter or I'll have your head on the chopping block." He said in a funny but serious tone. We all laughed. "What about you Peri? What do you want?" I asked her. "I don't mind what it is..." She said, looking at her phone. " long as its a girl." She finished, smirking. Me, Bethany and Ty cheered but Jordan and Issac scoffed. "Peri, you better have a boy!"

"What are thinking of calling it?" Ellie chimed in. "If it's a girl, I think Fallon is a nice name. And a boy, either Dan or Phil." "What? After their British youtubers?" "Yeah...they're the best. She said laughing. "Ahem." Ty said, Ty said, nudging her. "Oh right. Obviously Ty is loads better." She replied, it was hard to tell whether she was being sarcastic or not.

Peri's POV

2 weeks in, Ty brought us to his parent's house to break the news. They were delighted and Lucy was very excited, again asking for a girl. I really wanted a girl . We talked about it that night. "What would we call a girl?" I asked him. "Cerys Ellis." He said automatically. "Nice. I like the name Fallon Ellis." I replied. We both made an agreement. An easy one. Even though we both wanted a girl. I would name it if it was a girl and Ty would name it if it was a boy. Well. Here we go, nine long months. 3 months of nausea and morning sickness. 2 months of stomach pain. 4 months of hormones and cravings. And up to 2 hours of pain. But all would be worth it.

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