Chapter 31- The time has come!

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Peri's POV

We were on the plane, I yawned and looked at the time on my phone. 3 in the morning, we were on our way from Arizona to Boston where PAX was going to be. I think this is my third Pax now. Jordan and the others were with us Jordan next to me and Ty and the other three behind us. Ty was in the middle, I was by the window and Jordan at the end. They were whispering something about the opening ceremony.

Soon I was slowly falling asleep, I was falling down a hole of nothing I screamed for Ty but he wasn't there neither was Jordan or Isaac or Cierra but when I called for Bethany... a light flashed over her face she was angry about something, "It was all a big mistake letting you back into our lives. We were better off without you." She said in a dark voice. Cierra appeared with the same expression "who would want to be around you?" She said. Isaac came into view, "and now everyone knows your related to us." Next Jordan,"You're an embarassment to us" "guys please" Bethany pushed me back and I started falling again. I couldn't believe this was happening. Something grabbed hold of me. It was Ty but he too was angry, "why do you have to be so pathetic? Using me as some bodyguard. Get away from me!" Again I was pushed back into the nothingness I opened my mouth to scream but no sound came out. Then I heard calling from the distance."Peri! Peri! Wake up!"

A blinding white light shone in my eyes as I regained consciousness, Ty was looking at clearly concerned Jordan leaning side ways shaking me awake Isaac, Cierra and Bethany leaning over our seats. "Wha...what?" I say as I tried to sit up but nearly threw up and slid back down to a slouching sort of state. "You were squirming and jumping and such." "I was?" Ty looked at me,"yes,was it a nightmare?" I nodded and slowly sat up again. "We are nearly at Boston Yay!!!!" Isaac said. "Can it Billy" said Jordan clearly acting out his roleplay character. "Careful or I'll have to get Maddyfriend." I said in nearly a whisper. "Maybelle, maybe not the best time. Play with Sally." Bethany said as Gertrude. Ty just laughed and shook his head listening to music. He was thinking of something, It was clear. But what was he thinking about.

Ty's POV

As Peri started properly waking up Isaac started up the 'Papa Acachalla family" roleplay sort of thing even though they weren't recording. I just laughed and turned on my iPod. I thought about earlier when I was talking to Jordan. I had told him about my plans to propose to Peri. It felt quite strange. You know "oh hey, just so you know I'm going to ask your sister to marry me.?" Kind of awkward feeling. He seemed alright about it. Thrilled and suddenly had an idea. He told me that Polaris are always looking for new ways to create better opening ceremonies for PAX. I then instantly knew what he was getting at. I started wondering what if somethings wrong. What if she doesn't say yes?

I looked up at my suitcase on top of the rack. What if this was a mistake? We seem pretty happy where we are in our relationship right now. Maybe she doesn't want to get married. Damn. Why did I not think about this before I got the ring? But I really want to spend my life with her. She probably will want move on in a few months. I can't let her go. Maybe this is to early. I'm twenty in a few weeks and Peri next month. Should I propose? We are only 19...

I must have argued with myself for about half an our because when I snapped back into reality we were landing. We got off and waited for the coach to take us to the hotel. Jordan gave me a reassuring nod, then looked at Peri like a father would when giving away his daughter on her wedding day. On the coach I started arguing again. What about her siblings,it won't change there relationship will it. No it'll be the same only Peri and I will be closer. I still wasn't sure so in the hotel while Peri was with her siblings in their room helping them sort stuff out I went to find Adam, Jason,Jerome and Mitch. I walked into their room. "What's wrong?" Adam asked. Alesa walked in, "Adam-" "Hang on a sec." She lurked in the doorway. I looked at all of them and sighed. "I've been thinking so fucking hard my heads going to explode." "What?" I reached into my pocket and showed them the box. "So.." Jason said. None of them understood. "Wait." Alesa spoke up. "Is that what I think it is?" She asked giving me the look to say 'A ring?' I nodded and she clapped her hands to her mouth almost squealing. "What?" Adam said. I opened the box an they all gasped.

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