Chapter 50-Such a tease...

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Peri's POV

Over the next few weeks we have been planning our wedding. Sorting the venue, the catering, the entertainment. A lot of money. We worked hard every day of the week now, not stopping at weekends. I didn't mind working, it was hard but what kept me going was the fact that I knew it would be worth it. With each check I am given, me and Ty are closer to getting married.

March the 5th is coming up. I tried hard not to think about it, it only makes me upset. The fact is, I let Ty down. Thanks to me, the baby is dead. He really wanted to be a dad. I sat at the table with a notebook. I looked through the dresses online but none of which I fancied. I closed the Laptop and got up. I now had completely lost the bump. Sighing I wrote I note for Ty for when he came back.

I grabbed my car keys and drove to the other's house. I knocked on the door a few times and waited. Several people asked passed looking at me questionably, they may have recognised me. Issac opened the door and gave me a smile, "come in." He said leading me through the the living room where a girl sat, laughing with Jordan. She had long black hair tied back, she wore black jeans and a coca cola shirt. Jordan sat with his arm around her.

"Peri! You're back!" He said standing up and giving me a hug. There was a hint of jealousy in the girl's eyes. It seems Jordan has a new lady friend. I sat down in my usual place, Cierra was out with some friends. Isaac was in the kitchen doing something. Jordan joined him to get me a drink. Bethany was mowing the lawn outside, that just left me and Jordan's 'friend'. I decided to tease her a bit. "So. What's your name?" "My name is Ellie." She replied quietly. "Nice name. I'm Peri." She nodded. "So are you a friend of Jordan's?" She asked, a hint of worry in her voice. "Oh we are more than friends." I said smiling.

Ellie' s eyes widened. "W...What?" Her voice wobbling. "Yes.....We're twins!" I say enthusiastically. She gave out this massive sigh of relief and put her hand on her heart. "You scared me then! I thought you were his girlfriend for a second." She said laughing. "That was the point. So do you like Jordan?" I say. "We're dating." She replied happily. I grinned. "About time." I said. Jordan took a while. "Yes. We've known each other for a while now and he only just asked me out last week. I whistled. "Wow"

"Have you found someone yet?" She asked. "Yep. I found him almost three years ago." I said. She looked at me amazed, "has he asked you out?" She asked getting very curious. "Pfft. No" I say casually. She looked at me with this look of sympathy. Jordan came in and sat next to her. "Look whose finally found his lady friend!" I shouted, laughing at the same time. He blushed but smiled a bit. "Peri! Stop shouting! God. You're very loud!" Issac came in shouting back. I started laughing. Bethany came and sat down. "So. Has he friend zoned you or is he with someone..." Ellie carried on. "Yeah. He's with someone." I replied.

"Who are you talking about?" Bethany asked. "Peri has know her special someone for almost three years but he hasn't asked her out." Ellie said. "No. He has not asked me to go out with him. He asked me to marry him." I continue, grinning and showing the ring. The others nodded but Ellie just sat in awe. "Your sister is such a tease." She said. We talked for a while until she said something that made me go quiet.

"So when are you going to start a family?" She asked. It wasn't her fault. Ellie had just met me and knew nothing of t the previous heartbreak me and Ty had been through. I stayed silent, tears pricking in my eyes. "I...have to go. Ty will be wondering where I've been. I said getting up. "I'm sorry...I didn't mean to upset you." Ellie said. "It's not your fault you didn't know. I'll expect to see you all at the wedding in August. I'll come back again soon." I said getting up and leaving.

Bethany' s POV

I'll never forget that night for as long as I live. As soon as Ellie said that the scene flashed back in my mind.


We were all at home doing our own thing, Jordan had just finished skyping Peri. "How is she?

I asked him as he came downstairs. "She's ok. Five months in and her hormones are playing up. Ty's getting the worst, poor thing." Jordan said. "I can imagine. Looking after a pregnant woman isn't easy." I replied. I should know. I'm the oldest and was looking after mum when dad was out. I helped her when she was pregnant with Cierra, Jordan and Peri then Issac.

I sat down to watch TV. Issac and Cierra who were outside with the shopping ran in. "Guess what we just saw!" They said excitedly. "What?" "A car just drove past really fast! Going over the speed limit." "And..." "The car looked like Ty's!" They said at the same time. "Do you think the baby's on its way?!" Cierra asked excitedly. "Heavens no. She's only five months in." We sat down and settled in for the evening.

Though the next day, that evening. She came to our door. We let her in and she ran inside, collapsed on the couch and broke down into tears. Her eyes were already red and puffy. "She. Calm down Peri. Jordan come with me." I said gesturing him to the kitchen. "What? My own identical twin is breaking down in there. I kind of want to comfort her." Jordan said, note the sarcasm. "What do you thinks happened?" I asked him. "I don't know." "Ty wouldn't leave her would he? Not when she's pregnant with his kid." "He better not have because I swear if he has and left her as a single mum, I'll bloody kill him."

I stopped him from working himself up and went back into the lounge. Cierra was hugging Peri, doing her best to stop the crying. "Peri...What happened." Jordan said going over and holding her. "T-The baby..." She said through her tears, her voice wobbling. "What about the baby? Has Ty left you to go through the rest of the pregnancy and raise the kid by yourself?" Jordan asked through clenched teeth. "N-no. The-The baby's g-gone." She said crying even harder. I looked at Cierra and she looked back and me. Jordan and Issac were doing the same. "Peri..We're so sorry." We spent the rest of that night with her. She fell asleep and we took her home. Ty was also teared up. It worse for him to see Peri like this. He thanked us and took her in his arms. We walked home. The previous night Cierra and Issac were so excited thinking Peri was in labour. But now their disappointed faces pierced through me.


By the time we had finished. Ellie was almost tearing up as well. "I...I didn't mean to upset her." "It's ok, Ellie. You didn't know. But promise us this. If Peri is here do not mention that event in front of her or her fiance." Jordan said hugging her and kissing her cheek. "I promise." She said, her face had a serious expression, but glowed red.

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