Chapter 43- The ultrasound

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Peri's POV

Ty turned into the car park and pulled over into a parking space, we had arrived at the hospital. I got out and walked with him to reception. "Peri Frye, here for her ultrasound?" Ty said with his arm around me. "Yes, sit down. The doctor will be here shortly." The woman said. I sat down slowly. As you may have guessed, yes. I am getting bigger week by week. I'm large, not huge but large. It's hard to believe I'm already 3 months in.

After 5 minutes I noticed a familiar face looking at me. They were in the corner of the room, staring. I swear I have seen them before. It wasn't Jocelyn. She was in prison and this person was male. "Peri Frye." We got up and walked over to the technician. The person's s followed me as I crossed the room. They slid down to my bump, when they did, he frowned. Then it hit me. Jao. It couldn't be anyone else. He is my ex boyfriend. Very obsessed. I started dating him when I turned sixteen but broke up with him after half a year.


I walked into the room and saw Jao sitting there. I smiled at him and sat down. After chatting, I got up and left the room. "Where are you going." "Home." "Text me when you get home." "Why?" "Just text me." "O...K.."

I raised my eyebrows and left. On my way home, I watched another of Deadlox's videos. I got home, forgetting to text Jao. My phone buzzed as I got out the shower.


J-Ketaya! Surely you must be home by now.

P-I am...Shoot! I'm sorry Jao! I forgot.

J-I am your boyfriend. You can't forget about me. I am without you for what? 10 minutes and you already forgot me.

I hung up. He's so obsessive, I wondered why I agreed to go out with him in the first place. I ignored my phone for the rest of the evening. The next Morning, I prepared myself for the worst. I checked my phone. 100 missed calls? What the fuck? 75 texts of him? I'm dead.

I walk into school an rush to the form room. My first lesson was Medics...with Jao...sitting next to him... This is not going to end well. I say down in my seat and bit my nails. He sat next to me without a word. I tried to concentrate, typing down my notes, finishing coursework. A note was handing me near the end.

Just you wait until we get home!


I forgot! Every night after school or whatever lessons I have, I go to Jao' s. I walked back with him. He still remained silent. However, when he closed the front door to his house. He started. He ranted for half an hour. "YOU'VE BEEN WATCHING HIM AGAIN, HAVEN'T YOU?!" "Watching who?" "YOU KNOW WHO I MEAN. HIM! THAT DEADLOX GUY!" He pushed me against the wall. I banged against it hard and slumped to the floor. "You are MY girlfriend. I am the one you pay most attention to. Not that idiot with the headphones! Now listen here you bitch, if I ever catch you watching him'll be sorry." I ran out of the house, I ran home crying, my entire right side hurting like he'll.

The next day was a Saturday. I sat in my room miserably. I watched Deadlox again. I have my rights. If I want to watch deadlox, I will watch deadlox. "I warned you..." I heard a voice behind me. Jao stood there, an angry expression completely alienating his face. He dragged me out of my house and threw me into his car.

At his house was when all the drama started. He shouted at me, pushed me around and took hold of me. He punched me, hard in the face. My eye hurt and automatically closed. I put my hand on it and started to sob. This only made him angrier. He punched my nose this time. Blood dripped from it uncontrollably. "That's it!" I scream tears running down my face. "I am sick to death of you restraining me from doing all these things. I am a person too, Jao. I can make my own decisions. And now I have decided that we are over! I'm not going through this anymore. I'm done. Get out of my life and don't no the me again." He looked shock at what I had just said.

Typical (Skydoesminecraft, Deadlox, Team Crafted and Venturian Tale Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now