Chapter 65- Double everything!

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Ty's POV

At 1 in the afternoon, I had everything, even the second cot which Adam had retrieved somehow. I brought the two car seats out of the house and fixed them into the back seats of my car. I then started in the car and drove to the hospital, parking near the entrance to the maternity ward. I rushed in and opened the door to room three, Peri was sitting on the end of the bed, checking Twitter, probably telling everyone the news. I she looked up as she heard me approach and grinned at me.

"Ready to go?" I asked, Peri nodded and walked over to the two incubators which had been turned off. The two babies looked a lot cleaner and were wide awake. Peri took Fallon and I took Cerys, gently supporting her so she couldn't be dropped. Peri had Fallon tucked under the care of one arm while she used her other to place a bag over her shoulder. Once she had the bag with her, Fallon was in her two arms again. We walked through the ward and went through the entrance knowing that the others had gone home to allow the two babies to settle down.

We buckled the two babies into their car seats and then climbed into the car ourselves. Peri had kept the tags on their feet so we could tell them apart, but we can't keep those tags on forever... As I pulled up, Peri looked at the back seats to see the two had fallen asleep. "It's like they're always in the same state." She said. "Bet you they'll wake up at the same time." I said. "How much?" "5" "Done." We got out and unbuckled a baby each to bring them into the house, "what do we do first?" I ask. After this, I need serious help. I didn't think about my experience until now. "Well they're asleep so..." Peri started. "Put the cribs?" She nodded and started upstairs.

I kept looking down at Cerys, looking at her in the light, and smiled. We reached their room and Peri put down the bag. "I have an idea!" I said, gently giving Cerys to Peri, she was balancing both babies in an arm each, they were so light so she didn't struggle. I moved Fallon's cot to the left side, where the felicia 'grew' and I pushed Cerys' cot to the other side, with the cherry blossom. Peri the handed me back Cerys which I placed into her cot and she placed Fallon in hers. They both behaved differently. Cerys stayed still, her little hands clenching, sometimes opening a little. Fallon on the other hand was very squirmy, we laughed quietly as she rolled over, this way and that, her little fists were moving everywhere.

We crept out, leaving a door slightly ajar so if one of them awoke and started crying, we would hear. We then collapsed on the couch, I made Peri some lunch. "Hey Ty?" "Yeah?" "Where did you get that second cot from?" "Adam gave it to me." I walked back in with our lunches and we settled down, we checked the comments on my last video from this morning when Fallon was born. Everyone wanted pictures of the new addition, and congratulated us. Later on we heard crying in the distance. I was blogging at that point and went said what happened after the past vlog. I followed Peri, commentating as much as I could. "And so we descend upon these normal stairs. They do absolutely nothing other than let us get upstairs and down stairs." Peri was getting a little annoyed. "And here we have the omega female telling her alpha male husband to STFU" she said, "Hey! Don't swear in front of the children!" I say. We open the door to the little ones' room and take a look at whose crying. "So guys, I would like you to meet Cerys, she arrived as a bit of a surprise about half an hour after Fallon was born. So there's a surprise for you guys. They're identical twins, still can't tell them apart. See, there is Cerys..." I said as Peri held her up, "Think someone's hungry?" She asked. I shrugged. "Honestly I need your help with this." "Fair enough. We'll see if she's hungry, if not, we have to change her." "How come you know so much about babies?" I asked her as we made our way downstairs to the kitchen. "I was the one who read the books during the past 9 months." She laughed. "Peri! Peri! Peri!" I started chanting. "What now? Jeez, you're like a third child in this house. "Can-Can I feed her?"

"Of course, we obviously need to teach you stuff." Peri balanced the baby in my arms, I rested the camera on the side and made sure that I was in view as well as Cerys. Peri was also in the view, with her back turned. "Ok Ty. This is how we make milk. We get the formula...4 or 5 teaspoons...add the water...warm in the microwave...." I watched this, trying to take it in. Which I managed. "You will know ow much water, just fill the bottle to this line here. Now we take it out the microwave....We shake it. Then we get our wrist, pour a drop onto it to check the temperature, then if it's warm and not hot, we can give it to her." "Ok...I got all of that." I say, taking the bottle. "Do I just hold it above her?" Peri laughed, "No, she was born only a few hours ago, she doesn't know how to hold the bottle herself yet."

"Here...tilt her head up a bit so she can't choke...then we hold here against her lips...and there we go!" I looked down at the small baby, "ok. Doesn't seem too hard." I said, "Wait till it comes to nappy changing." Peri said, sipping tea. "That's just taking the old one off and put the new one on." I reply, raising my eyebrow. "You do realise you have got add cream and such." "Never mind, I'm going to need proper lessons now." I laugh. "Well, I'm go into end it off here, as always I will see you next time." I turned off the camera and put it to the side. Cerys had nearly finished the bottle and was still going strong. "Oh my God, how much can she take." "A lot. Apparently." Peri replied. "Wait...I just realised...does she not take your milk?" I asked, them blushed at the awkward question. "No. Neither of them do. Doctor said I don't 'lactate' properly yet." She laughed. I thought she would be a bit disappointed, they're her children after all, but still happy to see her going about it and knowing what she was doing.

I put down the empty bottle. "I guess I burp her now...correct?" "Yep. Good luck." She said, patting my shoulder, "and what is that supposed to Peri?" I asked, eyebrow raised. "It means it's not my problem if she vomits all over You." She smirked and left the kitchen to get Fallon who was now awake. "Great...thanks so much, Peri" I mumbled to myself, thankfully no vomit, so I went to Peri, since I had no idea what to do next. Do I give her more? Do I change her? Do I have to put her back to sleep?

Peri's POV

I sat in the lounge with the formula, Fallon resting on my lap. I had one arm to hold her at the right angle and another to hold the formula while I fed her. Ty was on the same couch with Cerys on his lap. We had changed the two into matching outfits, both were pink with a white outline of a baby bear on them. I had also had their names put on them. I guess we had a little system now. I looked after Fallon and he paid attention to Cerys. Of course we loved them both equally, I would hold and play with Cerys and Ty with Fallon, but it made a lot easier. I had painted their names amongst the branches of the flower painted behind their cot. Fallon was written above, amongst the Felicia and Cerys written above amongst the Cherry blossom.

Shasta came in and looked somewhat surprised to see the two small people, lying on the floor, looking around, seemingly trying to put their feet in their mouths. But he sat and observed them before accepting them and started to wag his tail when he looked over Fallon who reached up and tried to clamp onto him but failed as her arms were too short. "Babies are easy enough when they're first born." They normally sleep for most of the day. It's older ones that cause problems." I said as we lay the children into their cots. I pulled the small blanket over FAllon and watched as she took one last look at me before slowly closing her eyes and going to sleep. Ty had the same idea as he got up from watching Cerys. "Hectic at first. But I'm learning. He said, hugging me. "Ty?" "Yeah?" I grinned. "You owe me 5 bucks."

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