1. Back to the Moon Castle

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Welcome back to book 2 of the MELF series! Definitely make sure to read Silbermond und Honigwein before this and enjoy ^^


The taste of cranberries notoriously improved the consumer's health and cleared the body of toxic leftovers. Yeosang once declared his favourite and, though they never seemed special before, Seonghwa cherished them now. They were a foolproof way to pamper his best friend.

His half-lowered hair spilt over his shoulder when he lowered the spoon back into the wooden bowl. The crown prince stirred in more pepper as he picked up his humming. It was accompanied by the harps and lutes of the castle, complimenting his otherworldly voice as it filled the kitchens with joy. Though this was usually such a loud and busy place, all maids and cooks moved with reverent caution while he was present. No pots clanged to countertops, and no metal screeched against porcelain. Everyone was mesmerised by their beloved prince and his melody.

Seonghwa's delicate hands knew which ingredients to pick and how to prepare them. The scent of his soup was heavenly and made everyone's mouths water. As he hummed with a serene expression, jealousy filled those who knew he cooked like this only for his husbands. That bunch of miscellaneous races with unique charms, who captured their prince's heart.

A wet nose felt over Seonghwa's bare foot adorned by a delicate web of chains. When he glanced down past his white apron and the light blue of his dress, he found his favourite furry friend by his feet. His golden coat was groomed to perfection by the fairies and they left little braids in the tufts of his back. With a happy pant, Buddy looked up at him with those dear, loyal eyes.

"Hello, friend," Seonghwa cooed. In response, Buddy put a paw on Seonghwa's foot, whimpering for attention.

Seonghwa picked up a piece of apple he put aside earlier while arranging the rest on a plate. He crouched elegantly to feed it to Buddy, mindful of his slobbering tongue that was ever so eager for the lingering tastes on Seonghwa's fingers.

"I can't pet you right now since I am preparing a meal; forgive me," Seonghwa told him with a gentle smile as he went back to his stirring. Buddy trotted off to find his next victim, earning treats at every corner.

Seonghwa stood near the window in the corner, where he wouldn't bother the cooks more skilled and busier than him. The scent of roasted meat itched in his nose, but the spring breeze carried it away to rustle through the first spouts of the year.

Winter shrouded the lands for a long time. Long enough for Yunho to travel to his home lands for two weeks because he missed the seasons there so much. Though Seonghwa offered him to adjust the gardens to his liking, Yunho insisted his mind was only at rest if he revisited the habit. Thus, he left and returned with fresh energy to stick to his elven lover.

Now that the last snow melted and sweet flowers broke through the earth, even in this part of the Crystal Sphere, the scent of spring rejuvenated everyone. Already, Jongho and Yeosang moved their meetings back outside to the gardens.

The song of the birds carried inside as they joined into the ethereal choir that shrouded the kitchens in its spell. Charmed, the cooks worked in concord while Buddy pranced through the open doors back outside to jump around with Wooyoung.

Lured by the song and the presence of his husband, San entered through the same door. He tucked his wings close to his body so they wouldn't knock into the kitchen utensils. By his side, he carried the golden blade in its white sheath, never seen without it. He rid himself of the furs he wore for winter, instead donning a white tunic rimmed with delicate golden embroidery.

He came up by Seonghwa's side and the sunlight from outside caressed him and made his blond hair glow. Though Seonghwa cherished nothing more than the moonlight, he agreed that San's beauty was dazzling under the bright rays.

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