9. Magical Surprise

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All pregnancies were different and, as expected, with a being like Seonghwa, his was most peculiar. He had few aches and pains, though he didn't know whether that was Hongjoong's doing or if his body adjusted well to its new task. On the contrary. The crown prince seemed to become more and more beautiful by the day. His hair grew so fast it needed a trim once a week. Soon, its default length didn't end below his chest but at the curve of his back. He tucked it up in more elaborate braids and thus showed everyone the bright shine of his eyes and the glow of his skin.

Only the healthiest of meals were provided to Seonghwa, and his husbands tended to his every need. By the time his stomach grew, they insisted on helping him up and down carriages and mounts, guided him to his seat, and made sure he had a pillow to perch on at all times. The kingdom learned of his pregnancy and countless gifts got delivered to the palace to complement the most beautiful parent they ever laid eyes on.

Often, Seonghwa ghosted through the halls of the castle. He watched the seasons pass as he cradled the growth of his little one with tender hands. They were so oblivious to the world they would be born into, to their parents. Seonghwa liked to sing or hum along with the castle to get acquainted with his child. His voice was heavenly, like the choirs of the seraphim and his husbands fell into a trance whenever they heard him.

Seonghwa wished Yongguk was around to share this with him. The real Yongguk, the one Seonghwa believed him to be for so long. His treacherous brother hadn't left his exile ever since, and the scar on Seonghwa's back reminded him not to seek hope.

Instead of him, however, everyone else was there for Seonghwa. And everyone witnessed when his magnificent progress took an unexpected turn.

Seonghwa sat at dinner with his husbands, cushioned by a velvety pillow. His pale yellow gown hugged his frame and the adorable curve of his belly. He was a third of the way through his pregnancy, which meant the agitating hot summer that kept him inside to hide from the sun would soon end. Although he enjoyed it more than in all the other years he lived because it tanned Yunho's, Wooyoung's and San's skins and made them impossibly more attractive to Seonghwa.

Dinner was almost done, and they chatted mindlessly about their trip to the town earlier. The elven ladies were utterly taken with their gorgeous crown prince, praising him for his endurance and determination to bear his child himself. None of his other husbands could get pregnant - not accounting for Hongjoong creating a specimen in a cauldron or from straw - so he was more than proud of his abilities.

When Seonghwa suddenly doubled over, all conversation came to a screeching halt. Hongjoong touched his shoulder first.


A chair got thrust back, then more arms surrounded him. Seungyoun called for the healer, but Seonghwa lifted a trembling hand. The other one cradled his stomach, unsure what he felt.

"What's going on?! It's too early for it to worm around," Wooyoung demanded to know. His wings flailed about and San's hand caressed Seonghwa's nape, soothing him with his heat.

Mingi hovered in his seat with Buddy by his side, unsure about the ruckus.

"Is the imp hurting you?"

Seonghwa shook his head.

"We're fine. I just-"

What was that? A sudden flare of heat, originating from his very womb?

Fear crossed Seonghwa's eyes. It wasn't painful, but he didn't know how it would feel if something went wrong. Was he not healthy enough? Did the child not develop sufficiently in the mixture of Yunho's and his genes?

Would he lose his precious baby?

When he made eye contact with Hongjoong, the sorcerer read his unease right off him. He slipped his hand between their bodies, coming to splay over Seonghwa's fingers cradling his stomach. His familiar magic was pacifying as it spread its tendrils through Seonghwa's body, welcomed by the elf's inherent magical core.

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