11. Melody of the Heart

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The door to Mingi's room was still open when Seonghwa halted in it. He had informed Seungyoun of his plans after breakfast, and the demon just retreated to his darkness when Seonghwa caught up with him. At the mild rap of Seonghwa's fingers against the door frame, the demon lifted his head. Tousled, fiery curls shifted when he located the door cutting from the darkness.

"Do you want to accompany me to the town? I have some business there."

In the past, Mingi would have asked if he was suited for the position. If someone else couldn't protect Seonghwa better. But Seonghwa didn't need protection, he wanted company. And Mingi learned he was appreciated, even when he had a hard time accepting that. So often, his friendships brought no genuine feeling of comfort, so he was overwhelmed by the thought somebody cared.

Even now, his open face displayed his insecurity. But Seonghwa didn't withdraw his request. He waited patiently for Mingi's response.

When the demon nodded, Seonghwa smiled to himself. No question whether Seonghwa wouldn't prefer to go with San. No statement that Seonghwa didn't need to force himself to spend time with him.

Healing took time, but Seonghwa prided himself in his ability to give Mingi all the love.

"Will I meet the goat?" Mingi turned away when he changed his clothes, shy since he couldn't tell how his nakedness got looked at. Respectfully, Seonghwa tugged the door to a narrow slit and looked down the empty hallway while he waited.

"I was thinking of taking the carriage instead. My unicorn carries me softly, but I want to be careful with the imp."

Clothes rustled. When Mingi emerged, he was dressed handsomely in fitted pants to accentuate his tall and lean build. His shirt plunged low, giving sight of his dark skin.

Mingi didn't like to wear jewellery since it often entangled with his limbs and bothered him. His natural beauty was unabashed yet tame only for Seonghwa.

When the elf stepped in to link their arms, Mingi angled his face down at him with awe. Seonghwa lost none of his grace despite the stomach showing so clearly under his dresses now.

"How is he?"

Thoughtfully, Seonghwa trailed a hand along the curve. So many people gifted him clothes and accessories to adorn it with, but he liked to cover his child in safety over showing him off. No injuries discoloured Seonghwa's skin where the occasional zaps of feeble magic hit him. As Hongjoong said, the child was by far not as mighty as him.

"I can feel his greed for knowledge. His soul reaches out to mine, wants to mingle and learn, even when he can't understand yet. I imagine he will be the type of child we always must search everywhere because he will keep crawling off," Seonghwa huffed fondly. He guided Mingi down the stairs and the demon strode with confidence, used to all corridors and doors. Sometimes, his height and appearance scared new servants or visitors, but Seonghwa always made a point of sticking close to assure everyone Mingi was the sweetest demon. Some grew quite fond of his shy demeanour and liked to help when he was troubled.

"Do you know your parents, Mingi? The ones you were born from?"

Seungyoun had the carriage prepared, and Seonghwa held Mingi's hand to climb in first. The other one protected Mingi's horns from getting caught on the roof. Once seated, Mingi helped Seonghwa inside. A moment later, they were settled and rolled down the paths to the town. It was autumn already and the mushroom fairies dangling from the side of the carriage for a ride spread their earthy scent to refresh their senses.

"I... I don't think so. At least I can't remember knowing them."

Seonghwa contemplated him, sad for everything Mingi didn't know what he lacked. Part of which was the education his disability robbed him of.

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