4. Spell of Love

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Smut chapter!


Seonghwa sunk into the soft mattress. The stars and the faint glow of the will-o'-wisps doused him in an otherworldly glow. When he leaned back, inviting Yunho in, the man crawled after him eagerly. Enchanted by the prince's beauty and his willing frame, he brought Seonghwa's long legs along to sprawl on the bed. A kiss landed on Seonghwa's lips, sweet and with the patience they both needed.

"You always show me such beautiful parts of you. Of your magnificent body," Yunho whispered as his hands framed Seonghwa's narrow waist; no longer afraid to touch him anywhere. His kisses fluttered over the pale spread of his neck, making Seonghwa sigh into the balmy air. His legs opened for Yunho's seeking hand so easily, so naturally. Fascinated, Yunho's long fingers touched into the wetness once more.

"You can soothe the itch so well," Seonghwa purred. He lifted his arms over his head, handing himself over in the way Yunho liked it. Seonghwa wasn't supposed to do anything when he was with him. Just to be worshipped and unravel in the pillows.

Yunho hummed in appreciation and tugged Seonghwa's cropped blouse over his head. The fabric sunk into a heap by their side, leaving the elegant curves of his torso bare. Right away, Yunho's lips latched onto a dusty nipple, making Seonghwa shudder.

"I want to hear you sing for me," Yunho uttered. He dipped lower, guiding Seonghwa's legs out of his skirt. He left the delicate material of his underwear on for now, though the embroidered blue silk could barely hide his arousal. One by one, Seonghwa's feet slipped free and Yunho trailed his hand up his legs to cradle him.

"So beautiful, our moon elf. And I am the one who gets to hold you." His fingertips hooked under the thin band holding the underwear to his hips. They pulled it down gently, warm mouth immediately catching Seonghwa's tip to take it into the heat of his cavern. The elf stifled a moan in the back of his hand as Yunho looked up at him with those sweet, loyal eyes.

"Take good care of me," Seonghwa got out as his hand found Yunho's dark hair. He shuddered when Yunho's thumb skimmed the soles of his feet before he flung away the ruined fabric. Bare and beautiful like the moon, Seonghwa lay before him. He kept the filigree accessories, and they mingled with his skin and hair, added a beguiling shine wherever the light met them.

Yunho dipped one shoulder beneath Seonghwa's thigh as he felt for him. He hesitated when he was met with so much more slick than he was used to, overwhelmed by the amount. Then, his fingertip eased inside as he sunk his mouth on Seonghwa with a passionate suck.

Putty for his lips and tongue, Seonghwa relished the touch, the warmth of another's body in him.

Careful not to intrude too far, Yunho rocked his fingers through the wetness, testing the give of the entrance doused with its effect. Seonghwa's body adjusted accordingly when it opened for pregnancy and his slick relaxed and softened his insides.

Yunho pulled off Seonghwa's pale length to glimpse down on him, awed.

"How does this work?"

Seonghwa reached between his legs, guiding Yunho's hand.

"I split inside. The place we usually use is the same for you and I, but there is another shut passage branching off. This is the one where my slick gathers and my womb lies. If I relax the muscles, I can switch the path you take inside. In return, the one you know is shut. Go in deeper, you will see," Seonghwa purred, always eager to witness Yunho's wonder when he learned about him.

Seonghwa's legs twitched when Yunho brushed his spot. He halted, grinning as he nudged a knuckle into it on purpose. Then he exhaled when he noticed his finger didn't follow the usual curve. This one arched into Seonghwa's body, to his sensitive mid, where his womb hid with his other organs. It was even wetter inside, yet pillowy in its give.

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