58. Queen Lillwen

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Seonghwa announced his audience with the folk a few days ahead of time. He would go down to the town in person and bring his guards with him so everyone could assemble in the marketplace to heed his speech. While they prepared with tentative caution and constant glances over their shoulders, Seonghwa made sure the borders were reinforced. No orc was allowed to enter the Crystal Sphere until further notice, and those who left had to keep outside.

The change took a while and needed lots of coordination. This time, Seonghwa sent people to speak in his stead and accepted their reports. While Morana and Aodhán played with his husbands or maids and took up little of his time, Seonghwa organised every corner of the empire. Expectedly, the Demon King needed a lot of conviction to stay in his cave instead of storming into war with the orcs.

Thus, since he was so caught up, Seonghwa didn't expect the sudden letter from the Nymphal Shores. It was written on green paper woven from algae, and the ink seemed to move on it like water. A sweet lily wound around it to tie it shut.

Seonghwa sat at dinner with his husbands when he unravelled the message. San watched curiously and Yunho had Aodhán on his lap and teased him with the spoonful of food.

With quick eyes, Seonghwa skimmed the lines. When a surprised smile spread across his lips, he read them again to make sure it wasn't an illusion.

"What's the word in the south?" Hongjoong asked, discarding his velvety chocolate cake to attend to Seonghwa. The elf elegantly turned the letter, marvelling at its craft.

"Queen Lillwen of the Singing Swamps sends us her regards. She received my letter informing her of our predicament. She is interested in an alliance with the empire and she wishes to bring Wynn along," the elf summarised. He couldn't help his smile and Yeosang picked right up on it, breaking out in a hoot.

"That's good, right? Is it good?" Wooyoung turned his head left and right to find an answer, and Seonghwa nodded as he handed the letter back to Seungyoun.

"It's more than good. From an alliance, they might join the empire. If they support our cause against the orcs, their neighbours, the titans, might be compelled to follow their example. The two get along well since the titan protected the nymphs from similar attacks for centuries."

"I can't wait to see Wynn. She knew you were the born emperor," Yunho chuckled. He handed Aodhán to Mingi so he could finish his food.

Hongjoong took another bite of his cake. Next to them, his magic lulled Morana to sleep in her cradle. She had finished her meal and huddled against San's sheep plush, that she claimed as hers.

"Will they visit you here?"

"It's safer that way," Seonghwa nodded. "She will arrive before my audience with the folk. I hope to report positive news that day. Perhaps our battle against the orcs mustn't be violent. If we keep them in check from all sides, they will hold back."

Seonghwa caught himself when his excitement became too rapturous.

"Excuse my outburst. Politics isn't a topic for the dinner table."

Jongho adamantly shook his head, and San also chuckled at him, chin cradled in his palm, as he observed Seonghwa.

"Please, we wish to share your joy no matter the time. I hope the nymphs have already made their decision. Haste is required," the angel pondered. His father sent a long letter to Seonghwa, debating the situation. Though the seraphim were ready for their support, they confessed tension should the elves make for their weapons.

Giddy, Seonghwa waved at Seungyoun.

"I shall depart early to prepare for this meeting. If the queen so allows, you are welcome to join this conference as my diplomats."

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