29. Imperial Festivities

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As was customary on the coronation day, Seonghwa wore his crown during dinner. Today, he got to sit at the head of the table where his father usually throned. Graceful in his every word, Seonghwa became the star of the evening. Though the weight atop his head was foreign and reminded him of the empire's importance on his shoulders, Seonghwa knew to balance it every time he inclined his head. With an elegant posture, he sipped his wine.

This time as well, the rulers of the other countries sat closest to him and were flanked by the corresponding diplomat. Seonghwa's parents were on the opposite end of the table and his mother had an eye on Aodhán while Seonghwa tended to his guests. Their smiles were full of pride about their charming son, who assumed his role so smoothly.

"I am honoured by your support. Though I gave my vows, I wish to thank you personally, not as your emperor. I am grateful for your trust in me and won't disappoint," Seonghwa told them in his voice soft as snow. Hlin gave him a cheeky smile.

"You proved yourself more than capable. Your father is wise as well, stepping down as he recognises you took him over. You come from an excellent family and you proved your dedication to peace in this recent war," King Albrecht listed. By his side, the dryad eldest nodded.

"Not all emperors would have spared us for our treason. Instead of slaughter, you found an answer. For that, we owe you our gratitude."

"I would have supported you whether you razed them down or not, Your Majesty," the Demon King drawled Seonghwa's new title, sneering at its pretence. His eyes glided down Seonghwa's frame, not dressed scantily, yet it seemed the demon could disrobe him with those bottomless eyes. "How could we not, when the star guiding us is so exquisite to look at?"

Seonghwa's smile was refined as he nodded in gratitude.

"Now your child also became an imperial highness. Will he be educated to inherit the throne after you? I'm curious how he will grow up," the Heavenly King diverted the topic before the bitter tang of the demon's words soured the taste of their food. To his right, Hongjoong glowered at the massive demon with unveiled distaste. Seonghwa oversaw it, not stirring the flame.

"Truthfully, I would like to have another child. I relish my ability to grant life and I adore my Aodhán lots. I would like to see him grow up with a sibling who may support him in hours of doubt. Of course, the stars make their decision about who bears the crown."

Somewhere, someone dropped their fork. With a curse on his lips, Yunho dipped under the table to mute the clatter of steel.

Wooyoung's eyes were enormous. Yeosang chuckled into his fist.

"Marvellous! What grace you display, tending to both your royal duties and cherishing your family. Am I right to assume you wish to bear another child yourself? One born from your diplomats?" The Heavenly King inquired. Smiling at him, Seonghwa tunnelled his vision between the Demon King's greedy stare and the bottomless eyes on San's face.

"Indeed. Though I have no specific plans yet about who makes a good match and when such a pregnancy would happen, that is the wish of my heart."

Mingi's cheeks were dark as he hid behind his hair. Hongjoong awkwardly cleared his throat when his invisible hand almost knocked over his chalice. Even when Seonghwa warned him ahead of time, the mage couldn't hide his feelings.

"Filling the palace with fledgling elves to toddle around... No wonder. You have a lot of space," Hlin chuckled. When she rowdily crowded into Wooyoung to smash their mugs together, the sticky ale spilt over their plates. That was what Wooyoung called 'secondary seasoning.'

"Get in the game this time, chick! If you prove to everyone that your pretty wife is heavy with your child, they won't mock you anymore!"

It was well-meant advice, but Wooyoung still shrivelled. He threw Seonghwa an apologetic glance, but the emperor wasn't perturbed by their roughhousing anymore.

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