8. Swept Away

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Once more, the Moon Castle fell into mayhem. Though anxiety spread its poisonous tendrils, the shared joy outshone it to light up even the darkest crevices. Seonghwa's harem wanted to know everything and more; wanted to tend to his every need, no matter how trivial. Hongjoong spent an entire week studying elven pregnancies and brewing potions to ease every possible ache Seonghwa might suffer in the next year.

He was rarely alone. Someone always accompanied him, concerned for his every step and cradling his stomach in sleep. They all felt responsible for the unborn life in his womb and Seonghwa was too endeared to send them away. Even Jongho gradually participated as he copied the urgency of everyone else.

While they fretted much further into the future than they had to, Seonghwa wrote a letter to his parents in the Crystal Palace. He invited them to celebrate his pregnancy with him. In response, his mother sent a hearty note congratulating him and supplied a group of workers to remodel a room for the child. Though majestic, it was glimmery with stars and plush dolls. Seonghwa caught San glancing at them once when he visited, and his usual frown about the child smoothed out.

The palace prepared to accommodate Seonghwa once it was time, and Seonghwa caught up on all the duties that demanded his attention before he would need to focus on the birth. His husbands insisted they did those things from now on, but Seonghwa chuckled that none of them had the insight about these matters.

After a few days, the initial fretting calmed. Seonghwa looked the same as before; beautiful and glowing in the night sky. The astronomer assured them his star shone brighter than ever. His pregnancy was blessed from above.

Yet, no one could forget they had another presence with them now. Buddy smelled it all over Seonghwa, always trailing around him, and the others kept glancing at his stomach when they lost themselves in thought.

When Seonghwa's parents arrived, they were delighted to find everyone so well-behaved and focused on Seonghwa's wellbeing. His mother fell into his arms, weeping, and his father gave Hongjoong and Yunho manly pats on their shoulders.

"Good work, you two. I expected things to take more time but your might is astonishing, Magus Maximus."

Hongjoong swiped the title aside. A year ago, he would have cared for it and worn it as his badge, but now he preferred to be addressed as the one who belonged with Seonghwa.

Yunho rubbed the back of his neck. He had watched Seonghwa carry his baby blanket to the new crib with a fond smile on his features and rested his forehead against the wall for a while to calm down. His shock still had him floundering.

"My magic has limitations as far as the bodies of others are concerned. It seems Hwa was..." Hongjoong rubbed his face with his hand, hiding a rare blush. "Especially receptive towards us."

Yunho cooled his forehead on the wall. Seonghwa's mother giggled into her hand.

With his arm hooked around Yeosang's, Seonghwa preened with pride. No matter his branding, no matter how orcs spoke about him. He would give his fertility to no one but the ones he cherished so dearly.

The walnut sprouted amethyst blossoms, delighted when Seonghwa was.

They shared lots of laughter with his family during dinner. The matter of the crown came up only fleetingly since there was plenty of time to prepare for Seonghwa's coronation. His priority was the child and immediately, everyone shoved at each other again to be the first to refill his cup and provide him with everything across the table he might ask for. When Hongjoong's magic was expectedly the fastest, they accused him of cheating.

Though Seonghwa was ever so merry in the presence of everyone, he soon felt stifled. And as usual, when that happened, he left everyone to their own devices and hid away in his secret garden. They knew of it now and could find him anytime, but it was in their compassion to leave him his space whenever he tucked away there. Instead of taking Seonghwa along on his evening walk with Buddy, Yunho went with Mingi instead.

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