14. Cheeky Magic

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By the end of the year, Seonghwa was immobilised from most activities. He didn't travel to gatherings at the Crystal Palace anymore and he rarely heaved his body atop his unicorn for outings of leisure, instead preferring the carriages. His stomach was full and round like the moon, and the serene snowy landscape offered the perfect excuse to stay inside.

Seonghwa haunted the corridors with his hand on his stomach, singing to his lively baby. He kicked and scrambled around inside, zapping Seonghwa with magic, both good and bad. It manifested in a similar purple to Seonghwa's core, only that it was sprinkled in gold instead of silver whenever it coiled around the curious soul of his father. The charming note of Hongjoong made Seonghwa smile time and time again.

By calculations, he had four moons left until the birth period. Seonghwa already consulted the astronomer about it and he showed him the new star that had formed in the night sky. It was small yet bright as it twinkled right next to Seonghwa's. Once it reached its full shine, the birth date was near.

Seonghwa looked forward to it without fear. He wanted to meet his little one, wanted to get to know him. He wondered if he would look more like Yunho or more like himself. And names. So often, he pondered names.

There was no news about the orcs yet. Though they must have heard that Seonghwa was pregnant and would take over the throne soon, they didn't attempt mayhem in the time of distraction. While the emperor and his strategists tried to spy out whether that was a ruse or whether they regarded Seonghwa as an irrelevant link to attack, Seonghwa got informed only on the sidelines. He was forbidden from fretting about politics these days. He spent most of his time at peace in his gardens.

Jongho made magnificent improvements with his xylophone. His music was no longer jarring, and he learned simple melodies to play on the wooden instrument. Animals and fairies huddled between the trees to listen whenever Seonghwa asked him to play for him. Proud, Yeosang stood by their side, providing his branches as seats for their audience. He supplied Jongho with readings and the occasional class from the music teachers. When Seonghwa's former teacher visited the castle once, she praised the golem.

"It's such a delight to hear you sing more, Your Highness. Just as I never would have expected your golem husband to take a liking to the musical arts. Such wonders in this place," she smiled, awed by Seonghwa's power. With a grin, he asked her to take good care of Jongho. His greed for knowledge was never-ending.

"I dream of music now," he explained to Seonghwa one day while they sat together in the grass of his hidden garden. Each of the golem's movements was carefully calculated so he wouldn't damage the precious instrument. Soft notes echoed in the air, deep enough to fit the golem yet matching the lutes of the castle. Jongho liked how he felt them resonate in his body.

"What is that like?" Seonghwa asked. Books spread around them where they had studied on the side. Jongho learned so much and told Wooyoung about it when he wanted to know what they were doing together all the time, but the gryphon-born was left more confused than before. At least he didn't have to get jealous about that type of attention. He hated books.

"Almost magical. Sometimes the music is just there and I can feel it in my body and reverberating in my core. Other times, it manifests visibly. It floats like rivers of magic and paints colourful landscapes. Depending on the season, it sounds unique."

Awed, Seonghwa tried to imagine that.

"I would love to accompany you inside your dreams one day," he hummed. Perhaps there was a way to ask Hongjoong about it.

Jongho ran his mallet over the bars, climbing up the ladder of tunes. A deep satisfaction that didn't come from Seonghwa spread inside of him. Cosy, like an ever so energetic puppy finally lying down. With a chuckle, he caressed his stomach.

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