3. A Doting Heart

358 42 28

Mild smut towards the end of the chapter


There was no more business holding them back. All matters around the castle were either put on hold or handed off to people Seonghwa trusted to deal with them. No sudden war interrupted, and no second thoughts had them reconsider. Everything was settled.

And yet, somehow, Yunho didn't get to it.

Seonghwa awaited him patiently in the evening after dinner with his family. He left his hair in open waves like Yunho liked it and brushed it to maximum softness while he hummed to his mirror. Though he wore his usual dainty accessories, no disruptive pins or necklaces blocked access to his skin. His innocent blue dress was light as a cloud and could so easily be hiked over his thighs.

But Yunho was gone in the evening and his moonlight wanderings with Buddy took him thrice as long as usual.

Though Seonghwa was up for a few more hours afterwards, Yunho didn't approach him. Curious if he was planning something, Seonghwa let the night pass.

The next day, his other husbands studied Seonghwa inquisitively, but Yunho wouldn't meet his eyes. Once more, Seonghwa left him space.

On the third day, Hongjoong announced he had to return to the Spire of Magic the coming morning. When Seonghwa glanced at Yunho with a soft urgency since they needed Hongjoong's help, Yunho pretended not to have seen him and coddled Buddy.

Lost, Seonghwa mulled it over once more. Did he miss something? Should he confer with Yeosang? The dryad was uncomfortable with the topic, but he might have heard about the predicament from Yunho's side.

Since the elf didn't want to assume and forced his incentive, however, he reached out to Yunho instead. Dressed in the two-pieced garment that had been supposed to entice Yunho all day with the playful sliver of his stomach it exposed, he knocked on the human's door.

Buddy yapped and Yunho chuckled at him to move away so he could greet his visitor. As soon as he laid eyes on Seonghwa, his face fell.

Concerned, Seonghwa tilted his head. A night sky spilt over his shoulder.

"Have I frightened you?" He asked, apologetic right away, since he didn't mean to startle Yunho or put a burden on his mind. When he agreed to their plan, Seonghwa assumed him ready.

Yunho ducked between his shoulders, but Seonghwa glimpsed the red of his ears.

"I'm sorry," he cheeped as Buddy happily cosied up to Seonghwa's legs. His soft fur tickled the one exposed by a long slit.

"What's wrong?"

"I- I couldn't bring myself to appear under your eyes. When I imagine being with you that way, so intimately... My hands get all clammy and my stomach twists. I don't want to do it wrong or disappoint you. What if I hurt you?" Yunho whimpered, head lowered like Buddy did when Mingi accidentally ran into him.

Seonghwa's worry washed away like a river. He lifted his hand to Yunho's cheek with a coo, cradling it.

"Didn't I say we would do this together? I will guide you. There is nothing to be afraid of."

"You were never pregnant before," Yunho gritted out between his teeth. "You know yourself best but... I'm terrified of ruining your first experience. How can I dare hope to take something like this from you? To stain you with my- my-"

Seonghwa stepped in, shushing him. He pecked the choked worries from Yunho's trembling lips.

"Deep breaths, my love. I want this, and I want it from you. There is no need to prepare grandeur or hold another joust for my favour. Your care is just right for me."

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