10. In the Clouds

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Smut and choking warning! This book has 60 chapters by the way!


They went to Hongjoong's room and Seonghwa sat on his bed covered in expensive black and red silk sheets while Hongjoong flitted around the room. He gave him a potion for resistance against magic, even when Seonghwa assured him that his body absorbed this feeble magic, since it meant no threat to him. Yet, he drank the potion to calm Hongjoong's unease while the mage put his hand on Seonghwa's stomach for the tenth time, checking that Seonghwa withheld no information.

He and the healer came to the same deduction. Seonghwa was fine; he just got spooked by the sudden spark of magic from his growing son. As he sat on his bed caressing his stomach, pride filled his chest that his little one was so wilful.

Hongjoong saw the healer off with a sigh and whisked the door shut with a flick of his finger. When he came to sit by Seonghwa's side, his eyes lingered on the elf's stomach.

Such a small being in the grand spectre of the cosmos. But already, he enraptured their every moment.

Hongjoong lifted his tired chuckle at Seonghwa. The elf ran gentle fingers through his hair.

"Are you assured now, my magnificent mage?" Seonghwa didn't fret, didn't tell him he over-reacted. If Hongjoong needed to check ten times to make sure, Seonghwa would linger ten times for him.

With a tired chuckle, Hongjoong cushioned his head on Seonghwa's thighs. His lids fluttered to the tender caresses on his scalp. Sleepy eyes stared at the stomach that bore everyone's recent infatuation. In his gaze carried both a huffy disbelief and the fond glow of having created something beautiful.

"I guess I'll leave it for now. But I beg you to notify me if you hurt or notice anything out of the ordinary. Don't bear your suffering alone."

"I won't," Seonghwa promised. When he bent forward, Hongjoong rolled on his back to accommodate the kiss that touched upon his lips with the softness of a feather.

"You care for me so much. I appreciate you for your endless efforts to accommodate me, my lovely Hongjoong. I love you," Seonghwa whispered into their kiss, delicate as he trailed his kisses over Hongjoong's face, taking away his strain bit by bit.

Hongjoong sighed into his gentleness, his patience, where the mage was so brusque.

"Let me reward you, my dear. Let me cherish you back," Seonghwa offered. He pulled back to give Hongjoong room to answer. Though want flared in his eyes to turn them into pools of gold, his glance at Seonghwa's body was hesitant.

"What about the baby? Won't you get hurt?"

"I am by far not pregnant enough to damage something while embracing my husband," Seonghwa assured him. He pulled Hongjoong up to sit by his side and a moment later, their lips found each other in mutual agreement. Hongjoong stifled a moan between their mouths when Seonghwa's fingers undid his shiny buttons to peel the clothes from his body. Hongjoong's cropped uniform top dropped to the ground, and he fell into the sheets to pull Seonghwa over him. Soon, they forgot about the baby aside from Hongjoong's prudence not to get any harmful body parts too close to Seonghwa's stomach.

Seonghwa laid by his side as he opened Hongjoong up with his fingers and watched him fall apart. The mage squirmed on the pillows, beautiful body arching prettily until Seonghwa lapped at the perk of his nipples. He splayed his digits deep inside, so dirty in contrast to his body that rested in its sweet gown. The burgundy sheets matched his unravelling mage so well.

Spurred by his desire and love for Hongjoong, Seonghwa leaned over him to kiss a gasp from his lips. Hongjoong's elegant hair was a mess, and he bit his lip with a whimper when he laid eyes on his beautiful and composed husband. Drool gathered on the corner of his lips.

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