50. Familiar Lands

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As soon as the expansive valley of the Sky-reaching Highlands stretched out before them, Seonghwa wanted to pass out from relief. He slumped into San's chest, waning in his consciousness. The glow to his cheeks was subtle, as drained as the rest of him, but it was all the reassurance he needed.

San tightened his hold around the elf, cradling him and his baby close.

"We made it out. You can rest now," he whispered, as awed by their unexpected survival as the rest.

Snow covered the tall peaks of the mountains and covered even the grassy plains Seonghwa and Jongho visited last time. Since there was no housing, the icy wind would whip around their ears all night, but Seonghwa preferred it over the orcs.

"I can't believe it," he muttered as they descended the hills to duck into the valley surrounded by the mighty golems. Jongho led them confidently, at ease in his home that the rest of the group studied full of curiosity.

"I thought it was over when the ground shook again," Yunho uttered next to them. Though the mountains and fields offered few supplies for their current predicament, the border saved their lives. They could rest and then continue to the Crystal Sphere for treatment.

Several grim nods agreed. With Seonghwa's unpredicted delivery and the battles, they foresaw the inevitable. After all, there was a reason an emperor shouldn't participate in missions as risky as these and why it was unwise to take his political leaders along, even when they were his elite. Though the orcs hadn't been provoked to attack, Seonghwa would regard this reaction for what it was. A blatant declaration of hostility.

Morana nestled against him, wrapped in San's stained white cloak. It kept her warm as Seonghwa cradled her sleeping form close.

The orcs and their politics could wait. First, Seonghwa had to make sure everyone would survive and his sweet darkling was safe.

Jongho shared the thought. He marched up to an inconspicuous-looking mountain, glancing up at the solid rock covered in snow.

"Everyone made it out, thanks to your immediate reaction. They are injured and cold, and we need some respite before we continue."

A voice rumbled from the rock, old as time and one with the streams and the granite of the mountains.

"Occupy the caves and do as you must do," they allowed. There was no purpose in showing themselves, as so much effort and hazard came with the movement of the elders. However, Jongho had what he needed. He nodded and came back to guide the troupe. Their trusty mounts - though exhausted with their burden and the chase - trudged along.

"We will send a letter to the Crystal Sphere and ask them to pick us up with reinforcements and everything we need for a speedy recovery. I'm not risking any of you getting an infection," Seonghwa said, still leaned against San's chest. The healthy thumps of his heart and the warmth in his clothes eased the elf's woes. Though his body still resonated its pain and he could barely move, his mind was sharp towards the ones protecting him.

Jongho led them to the caverns. They were ever-changing whenever the golems shifted in their spots, but they found a wind-sheltered entrance without having to disturb someone. Inside, they spread out with a shared huff of weariness. Hongjoong dropped his bundle on the floor and Seonghwa's unicorn sat down in a corner, resting near the warmth of their fire.

Carried by San's cautious grip, Seonghwa found his place on the ground as well. He didn't mind the coldness, though his husbands insisted on cushioning his battered body. They looked with fondness upon him and the child they all treasured. Soon, he rested with Morana cradled in his arms while Hongjoong stirred in a stew of any ingredients they carried and found outside.

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